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Google Majel : Siri’s Counterpart For Android

Google Majel is Google’s answer to the popular Apple iPhone 4S’s Siri, on the Android platform. Find the complete details below.

The iPhone 4S is out for quite a time and its sales are running pretty good. Most of its sales are attributed to the inclusion of a much anticipated feature, Siri. Apple has already managed to create a lot of waves with its natural voice recognition application Siri.

For all those who aren’t familiar about Siri, you can take Siri as an application you can talk to, and rather tell the application to do a work for you. For Example if you say”Siri, I want a cab”, Siri will fetch you the contact numbers of nearby places you can hire a cab from.

Since Siri is only available for iOS, Google must supposedly been preparing for releasing their own counterpart of Siri for the Android platform. Word is that Google might just launch such application by the end of 2011 or in the early months of 2012. This application will most probably be called Google Majel.

Siri alternative app for Android

Google Majel will be a highly brushed up version of the Google Voice Action application which is currently available voice command application found  on almost all Android phone running Android 2.2 or later. But the main difference would be the way you “talked” with your phone.

Unlike in Google Voice Actions where you had to speak a specific keywords for the mobile phone to understand what task to do, you will directly be able to talk to the mobile phone in a very natural manner. Moreover other application features like controlling other mobile phone options or controlling other applications on the phone through Majel would also be rolled up it the later versions of Majel.

Google’s Matias Duarte had previously also stated their plans with the voice recognition segment in an interview with Slashgear. Matias said, “Our approach is more like Star Trek, right, starship Enterprise; every piece of computing surface, everything is voice-aware. It’s not that there’s a personality, it doesn’t have a name, it’s just Computer.”

One more thing that might hint that these Google Majel rumors would be true is the fact that Google acquired Phonetic Arts in the end of 2010. This company is also involved in voice based research and to reproduce the human voice with the computer and other voice recognition stuff too.

You can read the official Google blog post about their collaboration with Phonetic Arts. This in particular shows about Google’s plan to take on the voice recognition to a new level.

Google has not been able to get in innovative implementations in its Android platform for quite a few time now. Even the face unlock feature had a lot of glitches. So this Google Majel might be the perfect hit for Google.

Let’s see whether Google Majel comes up to the standards of Apple Siri, or  Majel and Siri will have the same difference that still exists between Android and iOS.

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