Hashtags are used to attract users by making it clear what your post is about. This article will tell you about some advantages of using hashtags on Facebook.
Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest have changed the way we communicate with the world. While social media have helped everyone, it’s especially useful for those who want to promote a website, blog, service, or business.
The two best tools for promoting your business online are Facebook and Twitter – marketers and social media experts all agree that these two are the best social media platforms for those who want to reach out to a large community of users and customers.
The problem – till recently – was that it was often difficult to integrate your Facebook and Twitter campaigns. But now, with the two services linked closely, and having made it possible to integrate into each other’s platform, social media experts can easily use both together.
Using Twitter Hasthtags on Facebook 
Twitter has become famous for its ‘hashtags’ that signify a special keyword of phrase that is picked up by users, search engines, and web crawlers. Using popular hashtags, or creating your own popular ones, can help you show your Twitter feed to a greater population.
Till recently, using hashtags on Facebook did not make any appreciable difference as there was no in-built support in Facebook for this Twitter feature. However, over the last few months, Facebook has increased its support for hashtags, allowing you to co-ordinate your Twitter feed better with your Facebook timeline and posts. Here are some of the best reasons for using hashtags on Facebook:
1. Hashtags stand out instantly, making it easier for your post to be noticed by people used to Twitter.
2. The use of hashtags can be expected to attract more users by making it clear what your post is about.
3. You can use social media apps and tools like Tweetcaster, TweetDeck, and the Windows Phone in-built social media integration to post effective messages to both Facebook and Twitter simultaneously!
4. Many users, especially in the US, use Facebook’s in-built search quite a lot. Using hashtags on Facebook might help drive relevant traffic to your online presence.
5. Facebook’s Twitter hashtag integration gives users wider access to content – your Twitter photos, relevant Tweets, and account are just a click away! There you are, that should explain how the two biggest social networking platforms are now working together to help marketers and bloggers spread the word! Using Twitter hashtags on Facebook is now quite advantageous and can really help you make your messages even more popular!