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How to Quickly and Easily Like a Text Message on Android Devices

Liking a text message on Android is a quick and easy way to show your appreciation or agreement with a message that someone has sent you. To like a text message on Android, you’ll need to use a messaging app that supports this feature. Some popular messaging apps that support likes on Android include Google Messages, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

How To Like a Message

You may have noticed that some of your friends or family members are sending you text messages with little heart or thumbs up icons attached to them. These are called “likes,” and they allow you to quickly respond to a message with a visual expression of approval or agreement. Here’s how to like a message on Android:

  1. Open the text message conversation that you want to like a message in.
  2. Find the message that you want to like.
  3. Tap and hold on the message until a menu appears.
  4. Tap on the “Like” option in the menu.

You should see a little heart or thumbs up icon appear next to the message. This indicates that you have liked the message.

How to Like a Text Message Android

If you’re using an Android phone, you’ll need to have a messaging app that supports the “like” feature. Some popular messaging apps that support likes include Google Messages, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

To like a message on an Android phone, simply follow the steps outlined above. If the app you’re using doesn’t have a “like” option, it may not support this feature.

How To Turn On RCS Messaging On Your Android Phone

RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging is a newer, more advanced version of SMS (Short Message Service) that allows for more interactive and feature-rich messaging experiences. RCS messaging is available on many Android phones, but it’s not always turned on by default. Here’s how to turn on RCS messaging on your Android phone:

  1. Open the Google Messages app on your phone.
  2. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the app.
  3. Tap on “Settings.”
  4. Tap on “Chat features.”
  5. Toggle the “Enable chat features” switch to the “On” position.

You should now be able to use RCS messaging on your Android phone.

How To See Typing Bubbles On Android Phones

Typing bubbles are small, translucent circles that appear on your screen when someone is typing a message to you. These bubbles can help you keep track of when someone is replying to your message and give you a sense of how long it might take for them to send their response. Here’s how to see typing bubbles on Android phones:

  1. Make sure that you have the latest version of the messaging app you’re using.
  2. Open the messaging app and start a conversation with someone.
  3. Wait for the other person to start typing a message.
  4. You should see a small, translucent circle appear on your screen, indicating that the other person is typing a message.

How To See Read Receipts

Read receipts are notifications that let you know when someone has read your message. These receipts can be helpful if you’re waiting for a response from someone and want to know when they’ve seen your message. Here’s how to see read receipts on Android phones:

  1. Open the messaging app you’re using and start a conversation with someone.
  2. Send a message to the other person.
  3. If the other person has read receipts turned on, you should see a notification appear on your screen when they read your message.

How to Like a Text Message on iPhone

If you’re using an iPhone, you’ll need to use a messaging app that supports the “like” feature. Some popular messaging apps that support likes on iPhone include WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and iMessage.

To like a message on an iPhone, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the text message conversation that you want to like a message in.
  2. Find the message that you want to like.
  3. Tap and hold on the message until a menu appears.
  4. Tap on the “Like” option in the menu.

You should see a little heart or thumbs up icon appear next to the message. This indicates that you have liked the message.

How to Change Your Reaction on a Text Message

Changing your reaction to a text message can be useful if you’ve made a mistake or simply changed your mind about how you initially responded. Both iOS and Android devices offer simple ways to modify reactions on text messages, allowing you to adjust your interaction dynamically. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your reaction on a text message for both types of devices:

For iOS Users

  1. Open the Messages App: Start by opening the Messages app on your iPhone where you previously left a reaction.
  2. Navigate to the Message: Scroll to the specific message you reacted to. This could be any text message, photo, or video within any of your conversations.
  3. Press and Hold the Message: Long-press on the message to which you want to change the reaction. This will bring up the reaction bar, which displays different emojis such as a heart, thumbs up, thumbs down, “Ha ha,” “!!,” and a question mark.
  4. Choose a New Reaction: Tap on a different emoji to change your reaction. Doing so will immediately update the reaction attached to the message. If you want to remove the reaction altogether, you can press the same emoji that you initially selected, and it will be deselected.
  5. Exit: Once you’ve changed your reaction, you can simply exit the conversation. The change will be saved automatically.

For Android Users

On Android, the exact steps can vary slightly depending on the messaging app and device manufacturer. Here is a general guide if you’re using Google’s Messages app:

  1. Open Messages: Launch the messaging app you use on your Android device.
  2. Go to the Conversation: Find and open the conversation containing the message you reacted to.
  3. Long Press the Reaction: Unlike iOS, Android doesn’t necessarily allow changing a reaction by selecting another emoji directly. Instead, long-press the message with the reaction you want to change.
  4. Remove the Reaction: Usually, you will see an option to remove the reaction. Tap on ‘Remove’ or a similar option depending on the app you are using.
  5. React Again: If you want to react with a different emoji, after removing the initial reaction, long-press the message again and select the new emoji you wish to use.
  6. Confirm and Exit: After selecting your new reaction, it will update automatically, and you can leave the conversation.

Tips and Considerations

  • Timeliness: Change your reactions as soon as possible, as the recipient might have already seen the original reaction.
  • App Compatibility: Note that some messaging apps on Android might not support reactions or changing them once sent. Always check if the app you are using supports this feature.
  • Impact on Conversation: Be mindful that changing reactions can alter the tone or flow of a conversation, so consider the context when modifying your interactions.

Knowing how to change your reaction on a text message is a handy skill that enhances your communication flexibility and responsiveness in your digital interactions. Whether you’re an iOS or Android user, adjusting your reactions can help you better express your feelings and intentions in your ongoing conversations.


Q: Can I like a message on Android if the other person is using an iPhone?

A: Yes, as long as you’re both using a messaging app that supports the “like” feature, you should be able to like messages from either an Android or an iPhone.

Q: Can I customize the icon that appears when I like a message?

A: Some messaging apps allow you to choose from different icons to use as your “like” icon. For example, you may be able to choose between a heart, a thumbs up, or a different emoji. To customize your “like” icon, you’ll need to check the settings in the messaging app you’re using.


Liking a text message on Android is a quick and easy way to show your approval or agreement with a message that someone has sent you. Whether you’re using an Android or an iPhone, as long as you have a messaging app that supports this feature, you’ll be able to like messages with just a few taps. So next time you want to show your appreciation for a message someone has sent you, try using the “like” feature to let them know you appreciate it.

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