Here are today’s Top 5 News & Events from Around the World. Take a look!
Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak Is Here, Will Work on Pics and Videos

Remember the invisibility cloak from the Harry Potter movie? Well, the same stuff is getting closer to reality. Now you can purchase an invisibility cloak that will make you invisible in your pics and videos. Don’t confuse this with the real invisibility cloak that is still fiction. This cloak is paired with an app that makes you go invisible in pictures and videos. A good thing for fun with friends. The launch is on 1 July. Will be available on iOS and Android. If you are a big Potter fan, you simply can’t miss it. The invisibility cloak will retail for $70 and you’ll need to pay an extra $10 for snake pattern embroidery. Link.
Slack No More — For Microsoft Employees
Microsoft has banned the use of most versions of Slack for its employees. There are several other apps that are now restricted for use. They are Grammarly, Google Docs, Kaspersky, Amazon Web Services, and Pager Duty. In fact, GitHub that is owned by Microsoft is also under some restrictions for use by the employees. The reason behind this action is security related. No more details are out yet. Link.
Amazon Gets the Patent for Surveillance Drone in the US

US Getting Stricter With 5G Business
Not only did the US banned Huawei, the biggest Chinese 5G equipment maker, but it’s also now considering banning US companies from manufacturing 5G products in China. According to the latest report published in the Wall Street Journal, the Trump administration is in talks with the US telecom companies persuading them to move their manufacturing anywhere but China. Recently, it was reported that Apple was considering moving 15% – 30% of its manufacturing out of China to countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam. Will the latest move eventually span across all the US companies manufacturing in China? Link.
Steam Might Drop Support for Ubuntu, Time to Switch?
Are you a fan of Steam and Ubuntu? Then its time to decide between one of these. If the current situation prolongs, it will end the compatibility of Steam with Ubuntu. The Linux based distro has stopped support for 32-bit games and apps. So, in retaliation Steam is going to drop Ubuntu from its supported platforms. You’ll now need to find another Linux based OS that will allow you to play your favourite games on Steam. Link.