Using 3 G internet on your IPad but still unable to get your downloading fast , learn how to make apps download faster on IPad .
The iPad apps might take too much time to download in case you do not good care of your device. It can be the source of endless pain and agony! To save you from the irritation, here are some quick tips which you simply can’t ignore if you love your iPad. Read on…
Save Memory Space:
First of all, you need to understand that more you use the memory, longer would it take for the app to download. Hence, you should save memory space as much as possible. The best way to fee the memory currently being used is to close the background apps. Some apps remain open even when you are not using them. You should look for these apps and close them completely. At least once in every 2-3 hours, check if there are any apps in running in background and close them.

Set up Email to Save Photos:
Keeping all your photos and videos in your device would make the device slow, no matter how much RAM you have and how big internal memory you have. Hence, you should clean your device as frequently as possible. The best thing to do would be to set up an email account so that you can save your photos and videos in that. Once in a week, you should take time for deleting the unwanted photos and storing the less required photos and videos on your email account. This would clean a large chunk of memory and the apps would be downloaded faster. You can re-download the photos and videos in case you need them at a later time.
Uninstall Barely Used Apps:
You must be having some kind of “cleaner” on your device. Every time when you clean your device using it, you would see a suggestion to remove the barely used apps from your device. You should not take this advice lightly and really uninstall such apps. This would save you a lot of space and time as well. You can also check the usage level of the memory by going into the settings. Not only the apps would be downloaded in a faster manner, but you would also feel that the device has started to respond faster than before.
Check the Usage of the Device:
Go to Settings, then go to General and then tap on Usage. You would see two figures at the top telling you about GB available and GB used. You need to check is the space that is available for free is larger than the space that is used or not. In case the former is larger, you would be in a better position and in case it is lesser, you would need to clean the junk from your device. By using this, you can check out how much space is occupied by the app and how much space is occupied by the things that are stored in the app. The best thing to do would be to uninstall such an app which eats a huge chunk of memory space.
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