Social media is a rage nowadays, and Instagram is one popular platform that falls under the same. It allows you to share your photos and videos and keep in touch. What’s more, you can also follow your favorite celebs and know what is going on at their end. However, sometimes, the use of this platform gives the error “Instagram couldn’t refresh feed.”

Since Instagram is such a happening platform, this error could leave you confused. Though there is nothing to worry about. The error could arise due to any reason. There are simple tricks that you can use to fix this problem up. Post that, you can use your Instagram account as usual.
But if your account is blocked there is no respite from that. You will have to wait until Instagram decides to unblock you. This duration is usually mentioned when they inform you of blocking the account.
Read on to know why the “can’t refresh feed Instagram” error arises and what to do to get rid of it.
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Causes for “Instagram couldn’t refresh feed” error
Firstly we would like to share why the error may even come in the first place. There could be a variety of reasons why the same is coming. Have a look and see if any of them applies to your situation:
1. The internet connection is slow
The most common reason why the app is not refreshing is that your internet connection is slow. This is causing the app to take time to update. It could be because too many people are using the same connection. Or maybe there is some technical error that is hampering the speed of the connection.
2. The Instagram app is outdated
In case you have not updated your Instagram app, that could cause the error. The moment you see the “Instagram couldn’t refresh feed” error, first go and check if an update is pending. If yes, you know why you are suffering from the problem.
3. The Instagram server is down
If the Instagram servers are down, you can’t refresh feed on Instagram. You must check all the other Instagram social media accounts to see if they are down too. If the answer is yes, then you will have to wait until the problem is resolved. Also, find out online if there are any messages of outages from the Instagram side.
4. The date and time settings are wrong
You might get the Instagram could not refresh error if your device time and date settings are wrong. This happens as the Instagram backend shows a different date and time from yours. So when you refresh the feed, there is a conflict in the values. The system is unable to accept that and leads to this error.
5. The Instagram cache is full
If the Instagram cache on your mobile is complete, that could be another reason to cause an couldn’t refresh feed on Instagram error. The app faces performance issues that stop the Instagram feed from refreshing. Cache fields are temporary files that get stored on your app. They are used to speed up the app performance on the device.
6. Instagram has blocked you
You could also get the “Instagram couldn’t refresh feed” error if Instagram itself has blocked your account. Instagram continuously monitors the behavior of its users. If it sees you indulging in inappropriate behavior, it will block the account altogether. This will reflect in the form of the error mentioned above.
How to fix the “Instagram couldn’t refresh feed” error
Now that you know what is causing your Instagram app to malfunction, you will have to rectify the same. The following are some fixes that you could adopt to solve the issue.
1. Check the internet connection
You must check the overall speed of your internet connection. If you are using a Wi-Fi connection, see whether it functions correctly. In order to check the internet speed, all you have to do is to open any website on your browser. If the process takes an unusually long time, it could be because of slow internet speed. You might have to contact your ISP to know more about how to fix the problem.
2. Fasten the internet connection
To display Reels, Stories, and videos, it is crucial that you have a fast internet connection. Are you using the Wi-Fi connection at a public place? Such connections are slow as many people use them at the same time. You can shift to mobile data and then try seeing your Instagram again. If you are at home, you could close the usage from any other devices and check again.
3. Force Stop your Instagram App
If you couldn’t refresh feed Instagram, you could Force Stop the app on Android and End Task on Windows to close the App. This will shut down every task that is happening in the app. Find the app from the home screen and press on it for some time. Go to the App Info menu that comes up. Now tap on “Force stop” and confirm it when asked. Reboot the device and open the Instagram app.
4. Update the date and time manually
Your device is not picking the time and date on its own. To fix this, you may have to update the time and date manually. Once you have done that, you can change your device’s date and time settings to automatic updating. By doing that, you can ensure that there will never be a discrepancy in their value ever.
5. Log out of the app and then log in again
Maybe a temporary glitch is causing Instagram couldn’t refresh the feed message to crop up. You can try to log out of the app. Then log in again, and hopefully, the message will go away. To log out, you must tap on your profile picture. It will take you to the settings post, which you can click on the ‘log out’ button.
Now close the app and open it again. You will be asked to log in again, which you can do after entering your details.
6. Restart the device
Restarting your device could also help in fixing the error. Mostly rebooting the device fixes other apps as well. For an Android device, you will have to press the power button. It will show you an option to restart the device. Just click on the same, and the device will reboot.
For an iPhone, you have to press both power and home buttons for almost 3 seconds. Hold it like that until the screen goes black and you see the Apple logo.
7. Clear out the Instagram Cache
In the device’s settings, you should go to Apps-Instagram. Now find out the ‘Clear Cache’ option with respect to Instagram. This will delete all the files that Instagram has saved on your device. Remember that you would have to log in again after you clear the cache. Write down your account details before you start working on this fix.
8. Updating or reinstalling the app
Maybe the problem is with an old version of the app. Go to the play store for android and the app store for iPhones. See if there is an update pending. If yes, then update your app and download the latest version. You could also uninstall and reinstall the app. That would maybe fix the Instagram couldn’t refresh feed error.
9. Check Instagram’s servers
It is possible that Instagram servers are down. More than a million users surf around Instagram. This proves to be quite heavy for the website. Therefore the servers face the brunt and either get slowed or crash for some time. You can find online if other users report an outage. On Twitter, you can find such information. Unfortunately, if there is an outage, there is nothing you can do. You will have to wait until Instagram fixes its servers.
10. Check if they have blocked your actions
It is possible that you conducted a lot of actions on your account within a short time frame. If that is so, Instagram could have blocked your account. The account functionality might also be restricted for some time. This usually happens when you use bots to increase your follower count.
If you get the message “action blocked,” you may have to try and find out why this is so. Some immediate steps you could take are updating the account information or logging in from another device.
It is usual for marketers on Instagram to get their accounts blocked. Instagram keeps an eye on all your activities. If you are following too many people in a day or sending too many messages, they could block you.
You must take care of the following to avoid being blocked by them:
- Avoid the use of any automated bots to like, unlike, or comment on the app.
- Complete your bio on the app. Also, link this account to your Facebook or Twitter. If you do that, Instagram considers you as an actual human and not any bot.
- Engage with your followers regularly like an average person would do. Avoid mass following of people. That is a red flag for Instagram authorities. Keep the account working and not leave it idle. Once you start operating it post regularly but do not over the post so that the authorities take heed to it.
- If you were banned and your account is suddenly opened, do not resume spamming. Take your Instagram account seriously, and if you are blocked again, they might put you on the repeat offenders list. Then it will not be possible for you to unblock yourself.
11. Enabling Mobile data for Instagram
Maybe you are operating on Mobile data, and the same is not enabled for use on your Instagram App. This mainly happens in iPhones. They do it so that you do not overuse your data entitlement. To enable, you have to go to the Settings app on your iPhone. Next, find Instagram by scrolling down. Click on the Instagram header and give permission to access the mobile data.
12. Change the limits of Instagram’s data usage
Instagram comes with a feature where the users can define their data usage limit. Once the usage limit is crossed, the app does not allow you to see the videos and pics. This may be the cause of you getting this error. You can change the data usage settings for the app. Go to the Profile section in that app and then click on Settings. Next, click on Account, and there you will see the option ‘Mobile/Cellular Data Usage.’ You can now increase this limit and get going with your surfing.
13. Contact Instagram support
Still, if your Instagram feed refuses to load, you could contact Instagram support. Open the Instagram app and then log in with your details. Now click on “Settings” > “Help” > “Report a Problem.” You will have to describe your problem where you can write that you are getting the Instagram couldn’t refresh feed error.
14 Use it on any other device
You can also try and access your Instagram account from another device. So if you were checking it on mobile, you could move to a desktop. But before you open your account, change your browser to incognito. When you switch to incognito mode, the browser will delete all the cookies, cache, and browsing history. This should be as it fixes the error that you were facing.
How you can prevent the “Instagram can’t refresh” feed data from coming
There are certain tricks that you could use and prevent the above error from cropping up.
1. Do not use third-party apps
If you are using a third-party app or an automation tool, you should stop doing it. Instagram can crack the whip if they know the use of these apps. Third-party apps that have not partnered with Instagram can be a risk to the safety of your account. Once that is confirmed, Instagram will quickly block you. The easiest way to block is to restrict you from following or unfollowing someone.
Plus, Instagram may stop you from refreshing the feed as a punishment. Here are simple methods using which you can prevent the use of third-party apps.
- Go to your profile and then click on Menu
- Tap on the “Settings” button
- Select the “Security” icon
- In “data and history,” you have to select “apps and websites.”
- Tap on the “Active” button and then on “Remove.”
You could also change your Instagram password. When you do that, you automatically get logged out from all the third-party apps. However, if you still want to use third-party apps, then do not spam any action on the Instagram app. Conduct all activities in regular intervals so that they do not notice the same.
2. Avoid making any changes to settings
As we have told before, a discrepancy in the date and time could cause your Instagram app not to function properly. Do not change your date and time settings again. Plus, if you have faced this error before, you must have fixed it somehow. Now do not make any changes to those settings so that the error does not repeat itself.
3. Keep your app updated
Follow this precaution in the future as well. Whenever you get the updating message for your Instagram app, make sure you do it immediately. This is because an obsolete app would soon give rise to a problem. Sometimes the update comes with a message like “Bug fixes and performance improvement.” So if you do not update the app, that means the bug will keep affecting the working of your app.
Instagram is a fun-filled social media platform. Marketers, as well as regular users, use it. But your feed might stop getting refreshed due to any reason.
You could use any of the above methods to get rid of the “Instagram couldn’t refresh feed” error. In the future also try to avoid situations that could lead to the same error.
However, if the account is totally blocked, you have something to worry about. You will have to contact Instagram and convince them that you are a genuine person. Once you do that, the account limits will be lifted. Again do not repeat spam behavior as Instagram is very particular about flouting rules. Your carelessness could cause you to lose your Instagram account forever.