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Microsoft Unveils ‘Windows Store’. Aims to Allure Developers.

All about facts and revenue related info on Windows 8 Store details.

Microsoft has unveiled the long awaited Windows Store to the public today and the details are sure to get a lot of developers think seriously about building Metro styled apps for Windows 8, if they’re busy doing that already.

If you’re a software developer and you have been trying to play a safe game by not jumping into app development scene for Windows 8 until the ‘spark’ catches ‘fire’ then you might be taking a bigger risk by loosing an early bird advantage.

Microsoft is betting big on Windows 8 as it carries the future of its legacy OS business. With Windows Store, Microsoft would want to create a new platform for app purchases within Windows 8 and the prospects are too big to ignore for Microsoft in this regard.

Hence, there’s no reason why Microsoft won’t work exhaustively to get big success out of Windows Store. And Microsoft is no short of resources to be able to do that.

Here are the some of the major highlights of the announcements made by Microsoft with regard to Windows Store.

  • Windows Store is expected to launch during late Feb 2012. It will be accessible and ready to use with “Windows 8 Beta verison” so that means, Windows 8 Beta version will also be released during end of Feb next year.
  • Windows Store will start off with ‘free apps’ but later on, ‘paid apps’ will join the Store as well.
  • The minimum value for a paid app in Windows Store will be $1.49 while the max. value could be as high as $999.99
  • The revenue split between developers and Microsoft will be 70:30
  • The revenue split will be revised to 80:20, once any app crosses sales worth $25k so more money for best selling app developers.
  • Developers will also be able to offer trial version of their apps in Windows Store
  • Digital Media publications will be able to sell their subscriptions through Windows Store.

More details about Windows Store to follow soon. Meanwhile, check out the Intro video of Windows Store below!!

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