Tips for Safari Web Browser

In this article we are giving some tips for Safari web browser. Here are the complete details:

Safari was developed and implemented by Apple Inc. On January 2003, it came into existence for the beta testing and has become the default browser for the Mac OS X v10.3 panther

Although a great browser it cannot be customized as much as chrome or Firefox. Howevrt if you wish to make most of your Safari web browser.you will have to tweak some settings of the browser. This can be done by clicking on the Safari Menu where you will be finding numerous options like about safari, safari extension, Report Bugs to Apple, Preferences, Block Pop-up windows, Private Browsing, reset Browsing etc.  From this menu Bar you will have to select the “Private Browsing” options.

In case you wish or require downloading the YouTube files or video by using Safari, then there are few options which can be used for optimization.For the first option, you will have to press the command +option+ A -> for getting the items displayed in the activity window. The second option will be moving towards the YouTube tab and then find the biggest address size. As the biggest address has been detected, then double click on it and then it will keep on downloading the videos till it doesn’t get completed. Even the quality of the video could be changed on the You Tube before the downloading starts. So when you change it then you can find the same quality of the video as it was on the You Tube.

Different shortcut keys can be used for unique purposes. Some of the mentioned sets are

  • Command +F -> it displays the finding bar
  • Command + T->will open the new tab
  • Command + H-> will hide the safari windows
  • Command +L -> will focus on the address bar
  • Command + shift+B-> will help in showing or hiding the bookmark bar
  • Control+ command + F-> allow the access or exit from the full screen mode. ( specially for the Mac OS Lion)
  • Control + Tab-> for moving between the two or three tabs.

When the safari is going to start, it will be showing only single tab with the home page. However it’s possible for the user to open numerous pages at the same time. For using this feature, you will have to create a folder which will store the bookmarks. In doing so you will have to move ahead to the bookmark option by clicking on the icon on the bookmark, this is just below the Back Button. You will have to click on the “Bookmark “in the collection options. In the empty space, click on the “New Folder Option”. Then you will have to name the folder which has been created. Next you will have to drag and drop the WebPages which you wish to open-in the folder desired. For adding it you should click on the “Command” +’,’  for going to the setting options of the safari. Here you will be required to choose the general tab, and then choose the tab folder “New windows open with “ and then browse to the folder which you have already created.

The address bar of the chrome is integrated with the search option. In case you need to use the same option in Safari, you will have to download and use the omnibar extension. For which you will have to go to https://extensions.apple.com/ , Next click on the search tool and then input the omnibar options. It uses quie a strange search option. For selecting another option you will have to move towards –preferences-Extension and chose either yahoo, Google or Bing as your search engine.

Hope these tips for Safari web browser helped you.

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