According to the experts, a red heart on Snapchat means that you and your friend have been each other’s number one fans for at least two weeks. But what does that really mean? Is it true love? Or is it just a case of two people who are really good at using Snapchat?
A red heart on Snapchat indicates that two people have been best friends for at least two weeks. So if you see a red heart next to someone’s name, it means that they’re a pretty good friend!
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The history of the red heart on Snapchat
The red heart has been a part of Snapchat since the very beginning. According to a recent interview with Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel, the heart was originally included in the app as a way to symbolize friendship. Spiegel said that he and his team wanted to create “a personal social media platform [that] was really all about your relationships.” And what better way to represent relationships than with a heart?
The heart has undergone some changes over the years. In 2015, Snapchat added a “best friends” feature, which allowed users to see who their most frequently-snapped friends were. The app also began labeling certain users as “bf” (for best friend) or “gf” (for girlfriend). But it wasn’t until 2016 that the red heart truly came into its own.
In February of that year, Snapchat debuted a redesign of the app that included a new “friendship profile” feature. This feature allowed users to see how long they had been friends with someone, as well as how often they snapped them. And, most importantly, it allowed users to see who their “best friends” were. These best friends were denoted by a red heart next to their name.
The red heart has come to symbolize all that is good about Snapchat: friendship, closeness, and communication. It’s no wonder that so many people have come to love this littleapp!
What Does A Red Heart On Snapchat mean?
If you’re a regular Snapchat user, you’ve probably noticed the little red heart next to some of your friends’ names. But what does that red heart mean?
The red heart means that you and your friend have been each other’s #1 best friends for at least two weeks.
Why Do People Send Hearts On Snapchat?
There are a few reasons why people might send hearts on Snapchat. One reason could be that they simply like the way the heart looks and want to add it to their story or message. Another reason could be that they want to show their affection for the person they are sending the message to. And finally, some people believe that sending a heart on Snapchat can actually increase the number of views their story or message gets.
How to get a red heart on Snapchat
If you’ve ever wondered how to get a red heart on Snapchat, you’re not alone. The little red heart is one of the app’s most coveted emojis, and one that many users hope to see next to their Snapchat friend’s name. Here’s what you need to know about the red heart emoji on Snapchat, and how you can get one yourself.
What do other Snapchat symbols mean?
Here’s a full list of Snapchat symbols and what they mean:
Gold Heart: Congratulate someone for making it to the Snapstreak (sending snaps back and forth for at least three consecutive days) milestone.
Blue Heart: You are best friends with each other on Snapchat. You send the most snaps to this person, and they send the most snaps to you. You both also view each others’ stories frequently.
Purple Heart: You have been each other’s #1 BFs for two weeks straight. To get the
, you and the friend you nominated need to remain resolute in your friendship for another two weeks. This is probably the hardest Snapchat symbol to achieve!
Broken Heart: A broken heart symbol appears next to a contact who you had been friends with, but whom you have since removed from your Friends list. It’s a sign of a failed friendship — more like an old photo that reminds you of someone who is no longer in your life than anything else. However, if this happenstance occurs while trying to start up a new friendship, it usually means that the other user didn’t accept your friend request.
Snapchat tips and tricks
Red heart on Snapchat mean you two have been each other’s #1 best friends for two weeks straight. (If you see a red heart with a number inside, that means you’ve been #1 BFFs for that many weeks in a row.) To see how long you and your BFF have been #1, just tap on the icon.
The best Snapchat filters
There are dozens of Snapchat filters available, but which ones are the best? Here are our favorites.
1. The butterfly filter is one of the most popular filters on Snapchat. It adds butterflies to your video or photo, and you can even choose the color of the butterflies.
2. The face swap filter is great for photos and videos with friends. It swaps your face with the person you’re taking a photo with, and it’s usually good for a laugh.
3. The dog filter is perfect for animal lovers. It turns your selfie into a video or photo with a dog next to you. You can even choose the breed of dog.
4. The dalmatian filter is similar to the dog filter, but it puts a dalmatian next to you instead of a random dog breed. This filter is perfect if you’re a fan of Dalmatians or if you just want to add some spots to your video or photo.
5. The flower crown filter is perfect for nature lovers or anyone who wants to add a touch of beauty to their Snapchat photos and videos
How to make your own Snapchat filter
If you want to make your own Snapchat filter, you’ll need to use an online tool like Adobe Spark Post. Adobe Spark Post is a free online app that lets you create custom filters for your photos and videos. You can add text, images, shapes, and other elements to your filter, and then share it with your friends.
To create a Snapchat filter with Adobe Spark Post, all you need is a computer and an internet connection. Once you’ve got the app open, select “Create a Filter” from the main menu. Then, choose the size and shape of your filter, and upload your own images or logos. You can also select from a variety of pre-made templates.
Once you’ve designed your filter, click the ” Share” button in the top-right corner of the screen. From here, you can copy the code for your filter and paste it into Snapchat. Your friends will be able to see your custom filter when they take a photo or video in the same location as you.
Snapchat stories
Adding friends on Snapchat is easy! You can either enter their username, or scan their Snapcode (which is a unique QR code that represents each Snapchat user). To add someone as a friend, you’ll need to send them a request which they can then choose to accept or ignore.
Once you’re friends with someone on Snapchat, you’ll be able to view their Story. A Snapchat Story is a collection of Snaps (photos and videos) that are strung together and can be viewed by anyone who’s added you as a friend. Stories disappear after 24 hours, but they can be replayed as many times as you want before they disappear.
If you see a red heart on Snapchat next to someone’s name, it means that you’re best friends with that person. You’ve probably exchanged a lot of Snaps with them, and they’re someone you chat with pretty regularly on the app.
Celebrity Snapchat accounts to follow
Here are 10 celebrities who are currently using Snapchat:
1. Kylie Jenner – kylizzlemynizzl
2. Khloe Kardashian – khloekardash
3. Justin Bieber – rickthesizzler
4. Ariana Grande – moonlightbae
5. John Legend – johnlegend
6. DJ Khaled – djkhaled305
7. Kim Kardashian – kimkardashian
8. Selena Gomez – selenagomez
9. The Fat Jewish – thefatjewish
10. Snoop Dogg – snoopdogg213
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