How to Add nofollow Tag

In this article we will tell you how to add nofollow tag. Here’s the complete procedure.

Backlinks has always been the major factor of Google’s Search Algorithm and it work hard to make it better to deliver more relevant results for the search queries. There are more than 200 factors in ranking a website and ‘backlink’ is one of the most important among those in latest algorithm. Previously, Google used to consider Google PageRank in order to decide the ranking of the web page but since Google PageRank can be manipulated, Google added a new benchmark for its search algorithm i.e. ‘backlink’.

The links in webpage have an attribute ‘rel’ which is used to set the value of the link to ‘dofollow’ or ‘nofollow. ‘Dofollow’ link allows the Google bot to follow the linked page and pass the link Juice. ‘Nofollow’ relational attribute does not allows to pass the ‘link juice’ but allows the Google bot to crawl the link. ‘Nofollow’ and ‘dofollow’ links should be properly utilized as an inappropriate ratio among ‘dofollow’ and ‘no-follow’ can decrease the page rank of the website and be penalized by Google.

Back links are the links from other websites that points to your website. If you give backlink to other website then you are transferring some  ‘Link Juice’ to that particular website and the number of outbound links becomes more than the number of inbound link, then the page rank of your website may decrease in upcoming update of Google PageRank. But sometimes peoples don’t like to transfer ‘Link juice’ but want to add the ’blacklink’. For this, Google introduced a ‘dofollow’ and ‘no-follow’ attribute.

By default, links placed in the web posts and web pages, excluding the comments, are set to ‘dofollow’ relational attribute until there is ‘nofollow’ attribute in the meta tag of the web page. To check wheater the web page is set to ‘nofollow’ or not, open the source code page of the website and look for meta tag in the head section. If you find the following code there, it means your webpage has all the links as ‘nofollow’ link:

If you don’t find any ‘nofollow’ attribute, it means all the links will get the ‘dofollow’ attribute. If you find the above code, delete it from the header section by going to the edit page of the website and changing it to the following code:

You can also add ‘dofollow’ to the individual links by editing its HTML markup. Open your web page as the HTML markup source code and locate the link you want to make ‘dofollow’. To make the link ‘dofollow’, add an attribute ‘rel’ and set its value as ‘dofollow’ which tells the Google bot to crawl that particular link. Similarly, you can add an attribute ‘rel’ and set its value as ‘nofollow’ which tells the Google bot not to crawl that particular link.

With these steps, you can decide the attributes of the links to be ‘dofollow’ or ‘nofollow’ and maintain a balanced ratio between the ‘dofollow’ and ‘nofollow’ link to avoid penalties and increase your site ranking on the web search engines.

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