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How to Clean Thermal Paste of CPU: The Ultimate Guide

Thermal paste is a crucial component of a computer’s cooling system. It is applied between the CPU and the heatsink to improve heat transfer and keep the CPU cool. However, thermal paste can become dirty and clogged over time, which can negatively impact its performance. In this article, we will discuss how to clean thermal paste of CPU and ensure that your computer runs at optimal temperatures.

What is Thermal Paste?

Thermal paste is a thermally conductive substance that is applied between the CPU and the heatsink to improve heat transfer. It is typically made of a mixture of metal oxides, such as aluminum and zinc, and a silicone or oil-based carrier. The paste helps to fill any gaps and uneven surfaces between the CPU and the heatsink, which helps to improve the overall thermal performance of the computer. The thermal paste helps to transfer the heat generated by the CPU to the heatsink, which in turn dissipates the heat into the surrounding air. Without thermal paste, the heat generated by the CPU would be trapped, causing the CPU to overheat and potentially damage the computer. In summary, thermal paste is a crucial component of a computer’s cooling system that helps to keep the CPU cool and running at optimal temperatures.

How to Clean CPU Thermal Paste

Cleaning thermal paste from the CPU and heatsink can be a delicate process, and it is important to take the necessary precautions to avoid damaging the components. Here are the steps to follow to clean thermal paste from the CPU:

  1. Turn off the computer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Remove the CPU fan and heatsink from the motherboard.
  3. Use a soft brush or a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol to gently remove any debris or buildup from the CPU and the heatsink. It is important to be gentle and not to use too much force to avoid damaging the delicate components.
  4. Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to remove any remaining alcohol or debris.
  5. Allow the CPU and the heatsink to dry completely before reassembling the computer. It is important to ensure that the components are dry to avoid any electrical short circuit.
  6. Once dry, you can reapply thermal paste before reassembling the computer.

It’s important to note that, cleaning thermal paste should only be done if the computer is experiencing thermal throttling or if you’re going to reapply thermal paste. Cleaning it regularly is not needed unless there is visible dust or debris on the paste.

How to apply thermal paste

Applying thermal paste is a simple process, but it is important to do it correctly to ensure the best thermal performance. Here are the steps to follow to apply thermal paste to the CPU:

  1. Clean the CPU and the heatsink as described in the previous section.
  2. Apply a small amount of thermal paste to the center of the CPU. The amount of thermal paste needed is usually a pea size, or a small dot, in the middle of the CPU.
  3. Place the heatsink on top of the CPU, making sure that it is properly aligned.
  4. Tighten the screws or clips that hold the heatsink in place.
  5. Turn on the computer and check the CPU temperature to make sure that it is running at optimal temperatures. You can use software like CPU-Z or Speccy to check the temperatures.

It is important to note that the thermal paste should be applied evenly, and should not be spread too thin or too thick, or it will affect the overall thermal performance. Additionally, be careful not to touch the thermal paste after it is applied, as the oils from your skin can degrade the thermal paste’s performance.

Additionally, there are different types of thermal paste such as grease paste, liquid metal paste and thermal pads, these all have different methods of application, so make sure to read the instructions before applying.

Does thermal paste need to be reapplied regularly

Thermal paste is a consumable item and will degrade over time. The paste can dry out, become hard, or even become contaminated with dust and debris. The paste’s thermal conductivity will degrade over time as well. The general rule of thumb is to reapply thermal paste every 2-3 years or whenever you see a significant increase in temperature or you see that the paste has turned hard.

It is important to note that, if the computer is running at optimal temperatures and there are no signs of thermal throttling or high temperatures, then there is no need to reapply the thermal paste. However, if the computer is experiencing thermal throttling or high temperatures, then it might be a good idea to reapply the thermal paste. Additionally, if the thermal paste has become hard, discolored, or contaminated with dust and debris, then it should be cleaned and reapplied.

Reapplying thermal paste is a simple process, but it is important to do it correctly to ensure the best thermal performance. It’s a good idea to check the temperatures of your computer regularly and to keep an eye on the condition of the thermal paste. This will help you to ensure that your computer is running at optimal temperatures and that the thermal paste is in good condition.

Why Reapply Thermal Paste

Reapplying thermal paste is important for several reasons. The most obvious reason is to improve the thermal performance of the computer. As the paste ages, its thermal conductivity will degrade, which can result in higher CPU temperatures. Additionally, reapplying thermal paste can help to reduce thermal throttling, which occurs when the CPU is forced to slow down to prevent overheating.

Another reason to reapply thermal paste is to improve the longevity of the CPU. High temperatures can cause damage to the CPU over time, and regular reapplication of thermal paste can help to reduce the risk of this damage.

Reapplying thermal paste can also help to improve the overall performance of the computer. When the CPU is running at optimal temperatures, it can run at its full speed, which can result in improved performance.

Finally, reapplying thermal paste can also help to improve the overall lifespan of the computer. By keeping the CPU cool, you can help to reduce the risk of damage to the computer’s components.

How to Remove Thermal Paste Without Alcohol

Removing thermal paste without using alcohol can be done by using household items that are safe for computer components. Here are the steps to follow to remove thermal paste without alcohol:

  1. Turn off the computer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Remove the CPU fan and heatsink from the motherboard.
  3. Use a soft brush or a cotton swab dipped in white vinegar or lemon juice to gently remove any debris or buildup from the CPU and the heatsink. The acid in the vinegar or lemon juice can help to break down the thermal paste.
  4. Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to remove any remaining vinegar or lemon juice and debris.
  5. Allow the CPU and the heatsink to dry completely before reassembling the computer.

It’s important to note that, using vinegar or lemon juice can leave a slight odor, so it’s recommended to use a small amount and to clean the components thoroughly after using it. Additionally, vinegar and lemon juice are not as strong as alcohol, so it might take a bit more time to remove the thermal paste.

Another alternative is to use thermal paste remover, it’s a special product designed to remove thermal paste without damaging the components, however it can be harder to find and it’s usually more expensive than alcohol.

In any case, it’s important to be gentle when cleaning the thermal paste and to make sure that the components are dry before reassembling the computer.


In conclusion, thermal paste is a crucial component of a computer’s cooling system that helps to keep the CPU cool and running at optimal temperatures. Cleaning thermal paste from the CPU and heatsink is an important step in maintaining the health of your computer, and it can be done using household items such as isopropyl alcohol, white vinegar or lemon juice, or thermal paste remover. Applying thermal paste is a simple process that can improve the thermal performance of the computer, reduce thermal throttling, and improve the longevity of the CPU. Regular reapplication of thermal paste every 2-3 years or whenever you see a significant increase in temperature or you see that the paste has turned hard, is also important for maintaining the health of your computer. By following these steps, you can ensure that your computer runs at optimal temperatures and that the thermal paste is in good condition.

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