Sayari: A Perfect Financial Intelligence Data Platform created for Analysts & Investigators

Founder: Benjamin Powers & David Asher

Funding: Funded

Headquarter:  United States of America

Competitors: Thomson Reuters, Lexis Nexis, Bloomberg and D&B


There hardly can be any argument that data has become the new oil in today’s highly globalized economy. This has given rise to the phenomena of big data and paved the way for data-centric startups across the world. Sayari is certainly a part of this big data phenomenon that is today trying to resolve a highly complex problem.

Sayari is a global data platform exclusively designed for professionals like OSINT analyst and AML compliance professionals. Mitigating monetary crimes and carrying due diligence with regards to third party risk compliance. Accurate data provided by Sayari plays critical role in financial matters where stakes are high and time is immensely limited.

Sayari is truly a unique platform as till date no other competing platform has compiled such enormous data on such critical financial metrics. The platform claims that their critical data can help analysts in saving a massive amount of time and energy.

The massive data available on the Sayari platform covers wide-range of financial metrics like corporate registries, civil litigation registries, customs and import/export data, land and real property ownership, vital records, official gazettes, and public procurements.

Analysts & Investigators can avail these invaluable data through two flagship products: Sayari search and Sayari Intel.

Sayari search: OSINT analysts, AML compliance professionals and financial crime investigators can use this product to access & identify several intelligence financial information from several challenging countries. These challenging countries mainly include China, Mexico, Panama, Switzerland, Lebanon, Jordan and Venezuela.         

Sayari Intel: Offers extra protection layer by offering deep insight into OFAC sanctions and terror financing risk. The deep insight is provided through a graph database that depicts the connection between high threat targets and their formally unknown associations.

Benefits of Sayari search & Sayari Intel

Inspection & Improved Due Diligence: Conduct a quick client due diligence to verify vendor information & authorize beneficial ownership and carry out a thorough financial investigation by accessing critical financial information from all across the world.

Monitor Third-Party Risk: Examine third party risk emanating from customers, suppliers and other parties to safeguard your clients from any possible monetary damage.

Financial Crime Investigation & Compliance: Unearthing imposition of any financial sanctions, verifying compliances with regards to anti-money laundering policies and detecting any possible association with terror financing & other financial crimes.            

Safeguarding Brand & Enforcement: Protect brand ownership by seamlessly traversing between corporate ownership and customs records.

Who can use Sayari

Bank executives, OSINT analysts, AML compliance professionals, MNCs and consulting companies specializing in due diligence, compliance & anti-money laundering.


Today’s highly globalized economy inadvertently implies higher financial stakes. Therefore financial intelligence data platforms like Sayari can be a boon for making a prudent judgment on financial matters. Sayari’s humongous and accurate data will prove to be a major blessing in itself. Its minimalist aesthetic design will offer no lesser advantage to analysts.

Categories: Featured Startups
Tags: featured
Ankit Kumar: A tech enthusiast, gamer and Search Engine Specialist, hailing from Delhi – The Capital of India. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer science engineering from Kurukshetra University.
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