E-Visa USA : The fastest way to the US

The fastest way to the US – How to keep up with everything that’s going on

While the world is more interconnected than ever, it is often times the United States which brings people together for various reasons and events. Many conferences and conventions take place on American soil and they entertain a large list of people of varied beliefs and motivations. Whether you want to see what the latest gadgets from tech giants are or how you can excel in business, the US always has some kind of event which caters to such inclinations. However, what happens when you can’t get to the US in a timely manner? If you live on the other side of the globe, it can be very challenging to actually get to the US. It’s not just a matter of transportation but also the visa requirements.

The fastest way into the USA

The fastest way to get there is obviously by plane, but what about that visa requirement? Well, it just so happens that there is a solution for this as well. The kind of e visa usa authorities use to recognize one’s permission to enter the US is called the ESTA visa. This is available based on applications which can be submitted online.

More about the ESTA

It takes a very small amount of time to actually submit your application. It will take approximately 10 minutes of your time for what could very be the best summer vacation you’ve ever had, or the most thrilling tech conference you’ve ever been a part of. It’s very simple and completely digital so just fill in the form and send it.

You should get an answer very quickly, but in case it’s not instant, you won’t have to wait more than 72 hours to know if you were approved for the ESTA. Once you get it, it’s yours to keep and use as you please, for 2 years. After that, it expires and needs to be renewed.

The final say

Let there be no mistake about it: The ESTA says that you are allowed to enter the US, but the final decision rests with the Customs over in the US, meaning that there’s one final hoop to cross through before you can finally walk on American soil. Usually, there shouldn’t be any problems at that point as they will only conduct a final investigation to make sure everything is OK. However, it’s good to know that you’re not quite out of the woods until they say so.


A very quick solution that speeds things up and lets you enter the US just like that? This must be cost a fortune, huh? Well, not quite, as the entire shebang costs no more than $14. And get this; the actual cost of the application is $4. The rest of the money goes to US Tourism. Of course, it would be pretty unfair for you to financially boost US Tourism if you won’t get a chance to enjoy it. So in the eventuality of your ESTA application being rejected, you get those $10 back.


Categories: Featured Startups
Ankit Kumar: A tech enthusiast, gamer and Search Engine Specialist, hailing from Delhi – The Capital of India. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer science engineering from Kurukshetra University.
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