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How to Move a Game to Another Screen

The thrill of gaming can be enhanced when using multiple screens. The more the merrier, right? But, sometimes, we may want to shift our game to a different monitor for various reasons – be it for better viewing angles, larger screen size, or simply personal preference. In this post, we will uncover how to move a game to another screen and address some common questions related to multi-monitor gaming setups.

How to Move a Full-Screen Game to Another Monitor

Shifting a full-screen game to another monitor can be a little tricky, especially if the game doesn’t have an in-built option for it. However, there are a few methods you can try. Here’s a guide on how to move a full-screen game from one monitor to another:

1. In-game Settings:

  1. Access game settings: First, start the game and go to the game’s settings or options menu.
  2. Look for display settings: Under display or video settings, look for an option that lets you select the display output.
  3. Choose the desired monitor: If available, select the monitor to which you want to move the game. Save changes and restart the game if necessary.

2. Windows Settings:

  1. Access Display Settings: Right-click on your desktop and select ‘Display settings’.
  2. Adjust Primary Monitor: Under the arrangement of your screens, click on the monitor to which you want to move your game. Scroll down and check ‘Make this my main display’. Most games by default start on the primary monitor.

3. Keyboard Shortcut:

Many games, and also general Windows operations, allow you to shift a windowed (or sometimes even full-screen) application from one monitor to another using Shift + Win + Arrow key.

  1. Shift to Windowed Mode: If the game starts in full-screen, see if there’s an option to temporarily run it in windowed mode.
  2. Use the Shortcut: Once in windowed mode, press Shift + Win + Left Arrow or Shift + Win + Right Arrow to move the game to the desired monitor.
  3. Return to Full-Screen: Once the game is on the desired monitor, you can revert back to full-screen mode if you wish.

4. Third-party Software:

If you find the above methods cumbersome or ineffective for your specific game, there are third-party software options that can help you manage where apps and games launch on multi-monitor setups. Tools like DisplayFusion or UltraMon offer more advanced options for handling multi-monitor tasks.

5. Game Launch Options:

Some games, especially those on platforms like Steam, allow you to set launch options. For instance, you might be able to force the game to start on a specific monitor using specific parameters. Check the game’s community forums or documentation for any such tweaks.


  • Always ensure your graphic drivers are up-to-date. Sometimes, monitor and display issues can be fixed by just updating your drivers.
  • Remember, some games may not support multi-monitor setups, and as a result, might not easily switch between monitors. Always check the game’s specifications and community forums for any known issues.

By following these methods, you should be able to enjoy your game on the monitor of your choice without much hassle.

How do you choose which monitor a game opens on?

Choosing the monitor on which a game launches can greatly enhance your gaming experience, especially when you have multiple displays. Here’s how you can set your preferred monitor for game launches:

1. Primary Monitor Method:

Many games and applications will default to launching on the system’s designated primary monitor.

  1. Right-click on your desktop and select ‘Display settings’.
  2. You’ll see a visual representation of your monitors. Click on the monitor you’d like your games to open on.
  3. Scroll down and check ‘Make this my main display’.

2. In-Game Settings:

  1. Launch the game and navigate to its settings or options menu.
  2. Look under display or video settings for an option that lets you select the display output.
  3. Select the desired monitor and save the changes.

3. Game Launch Options (specifically for Steam):

  1. Open Steam and navigate to your library.
  2. Right-click on the game you want to set up and select ‘Properties’.
  3. Click on ‘Set Launch Options…’.
  4. Depending on the game, specific command lines will force it to open on a particular monitor. For instance, -windowed -w [width] -h [height] -x [horizontal position] -y [vertical position] might help. This method requires a bit of experimentation and may not work for all games.

4. Third-party Software:

Applications like DisplayFusion, UltraMon, or Actual Multiple Monitors can help manage and dictate where specific applications, including games, open.

5. Graphics Control Panel:

For those using NVIDIA or AMD graphics cards:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and open the NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings.
  2. Look for display management settings or a similar option.
  3. Depending on your graphics card’s software, there may be an option to set default monitors for specific applications or globally.


  • If a game keeps launching on the wrong monitor, try setting it to windowed mode. Then, drag it to your desired monitor and switch it back to full-screen. Sometimes this prompts the game to remember your preferred monitor.
  • Always keep your graphics drivers up-to-date. Occasionally, monitor preferences and other settings can benefit from driver updates.

By understanding and employing these methods, you can customize your multi-monitor gaming experience to suit your preferences.

How do I play games on my second monitor?

Playing games on a secondary monitor can offer a more immersive and expansive experience, especially if the secondary monitor has better specifications or if you’re aiming to keep primary tasks on your main screen. Here’s how you can set up games to play on your second monitor:

1. Set the Second Monitor as Primary:

The most straightforward method is to make your second monitor the primary display temporarily:

  1. Right-click on your desktop and select ‘Display settings’.
  2. Click on the representation of your second monitor.
  3. Scroll down and select ‘Make this my main display’. Most games will then launch on this primary monitor by default.

2. In-Game Settings:

Some games allow you to choose the monitor on which they run:

  1. Start the game on your primary monitor.
  2. Navigate to the game’s settings or options menu.
  3. Under display or video settings, you might find an option to choose the monitor. Select the second monitor, save the changes, and restart the game if necessary.

3. Windowed Mode Transfer:

This method involves running the game in windowed mode, transferring it, then switching back to full screen:

  1. Start the game in windowed mode (this option is typically found in the game’s video or display settings).
  2. Drag the game window over to your second monitor.
  3. Once the game is on the second monitor, you can maximize it or set it back to full-screen mode through its settings.

4. Graphics Control Panel:

If you have an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and open the NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings.
  2. Navigate to display management settings or a similar option.
  3. There might be options to set preferences for individual applications. Here, you can set your game to launch on the second monitor.

5. Third-party Software:

Software solutions like DisplayFusion or UltraMon can assist in managing where applications launch and can be set up to open certain games on a specified monitor.


  • Always ensure your graphic drivers are up-to-date. This ensures maximum compatibility and flexibility with multi-monitor setups.
  • Check game-specific forums or support pages. Some games have quirks or specific methods for multi-monitor setups.
  • If using multiple monitors, ensure they have similar refresh rates when gaming. This avoids potential sync issues or performance discrepancies.

By using these methods, you can comfortably and flexibly play games on your second monitor and tailor your gaming environment to your preferences.

Why won’t my game run on the second display in fullscreen?

If your game refuses to run in fullscreen mode on the second display, several factors could be contributing to the problem. Below, we explore the common reasons and potential solutions for this issue:

1. Primary Display Setting:

By default, most games tend to launch in fullscreen mode on the primary monitor.

Solution: Set your second monitor as the primary display temporarily from the ‘Display settings’. After gaming, you can revert to your original configuration.

2. Resolution Mismatch:

Games often set their resolution based on the primary monitor. If your second monitor has a different resolution, it might cause issues when trying to run the game in fullscreen.

Solution: Adjust the game’s resolution settings to match the second monitor’s native resolution. This can usually be done from the game’s settings menu.

3. Display Mode Limitations:

Some games have limitations or bugs when switching between windowed, borderless windowed, and fullscreen modes.

Solution: Try changing the game to ‘borderless windowed’ or ‘windowed’ mode. Some games will occupy the full screen in borderless windowed mode, giving the illusion of fullscreen.

4. Graphics Driver Issues:

Outdated or incompatible graphics drivers can cause games not to behave as expected on multi-monitor setups.

Solution: Ensure you have the latest drivers installed for your graphics card. Visit the official websites for NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel, depending on your graphics card, and download the latest driver updates.

5. Game-Specific Bugs:

The game itself might have a known bug or issue related to fullscreen mode on secondary displays.

Solution: Check the game’s official forums, community boards, or support sites for any known issues and possible patches or workarounds.

6. DirectX or Other Middleware Issues:

Games utilize platforms like DirectX to communicate with hardware. An outdated or corrupted DirectX installation might hinder the game from running in fullscreen on the second monitor.

Solution: Update DirectX or other relevant software that the game uses. Often, the game’s installer or launcher will have options to reinstall these components.

7. Third-party Software Conflicts:

Other software that manages displays or overlays (like screen recording tools or FPS counters) can sometimes interfere with fullscreen display.

Solution: Temporarily disable or close third-party software and see if the issue persists. If the game runs correctly, adjust or update the third-party software settings to avoid conflicts.

8. Monitor Configuration:

If your monitors are daisy-chained or using certain connection types, it might lead to limitations in display modes.

Solution: If possible, directly connect both monitors to the graphics card using preferred connectors like HDMI or DisplayPort.

Final Tip:

Always remember to check the game’s official documentation, community forums, or support channels. Often, other players might have encountered the same issue and shared solutions that worked for them.

What’s the difference between fullscreen and borderless window mode?

Both fullscreen and borderless window mode are popular display options for games and other applications, but they operate differently and offer distinct advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a breakdown of the two modes:

1. Fullscreen (or Exclusive Fullscreen) Mode:

In this mode, the game takes complete control of the display and allocates all of its resources to running the game.


  • Performance: Generally, games might run slightly smoother in fullscreen mode due to direct control over the display output, allowing for potentially higher FPS (frames per second).
  • Better V-Sync: It can reduce or eliminate screen tearing by synchronizing the game’s FPS with the monitor’s refresh rate.
  • Aspect Ratio and Resolution Control: Fullscreen mode usually offers more control over the game’s aspect ratio and resolution settings.


  • Alt-Tab Delays: Switching to other applications or the desktop (e.g., using Alt+Tab) can be slower and may cause some games to minimize.
  • Potential Compatibility Issues: Some older games might not play well with modern display resolutions or multi-monitor setups in fullscreen mode.
  • Overlay Restrictions: Some overlays or third-party applications might not work seamlessly in fullscreen mode.

2. Borderless Window Mode (or Windowed Fullscreen):

In this mode, the game runs in a window without borders, making it appear as though it’s running in fullscreen. It doesn’t take exclusive control over the display like the fullscreen mode does.


  • Fast Alt-Tab: Switching between the game and other applications or the desktop is much quicker and smoother.
  • Multi-monitor Friendliness: It’s generally easier to move between screens in multi-monitor setups.
  • Overlays and Third-party Apps: Applications that provide overlays (e.g., Discord or screen recording software) tend to operate more reliably.
  • Avoids Resolution Switching: The game adopts the desktop’s resolution, which can prevent display issues or flickering when starting the game.


  • Performance: Since it doesn’t have exclusive access to GPU resources, there might be a minor performance hit compared to exclusive fullscreen, especially on less powerful systems.
  • V-Sync Limitations: Screen tearing might be more evident in this mode if not properly addressed in game settings or graphics control panels.
  • Less Control: The game’s resolution will match the desktop’s resolution, giving you less flexibility.


Navigating the realm of multi-monitor gaming setups can initially seem intricate, but with a clear understanding of your system’s settings and your game’s preferences, it’s relatively straightforward to achieve the desired configuration. Whether you’re aiming to shift a game to another screen for performance, aesthetics, or convenience, the key is experimentation and familiarity with the available tools and options. Remember to consider both in-game settings and system configurations, and always stay updated with the latest drivers and patches. With these guidelines in mind, you can seamlessly transition between screens and optimize your gaming experience to match your personal setup and preferences.

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