How to Improve Productivity in Your Fleet Company

You want to be as efficient as possible if you own a business. Owning a business that utilizes fleet vehicles means a large portion of your staff is on the road, out of your control. Because of this, you might notice some areas where productivity levels are dropping. This may lead to a drop in revenue or increased expenses. In order to improve productivity in your fleet company, consider the following tips below.

Tracking Fuel Expenses

If you manage a fleet company, you know a majority of your budget goes to fuel expenses. With gas prices rising, you want to make sure your drivers are using all their resources to find cheap gas and save on travel expenses.

To save on fuel costs, you should establish a fuel program where your fleet drivers can track and log how much gas they’re using. Drivers can download fuel tracking apps on their smartphone to look for the cheapest gas near them, as well as record how much they’re using. This will allow you to monitor and collect data on your fleet’s fuel expenses and make the necessary changes to save on costs. Additionally, giving all of your fleet drivers a company card will improve productivity through expense monitoring. With a company card, you will lessen discrepancies compared to cash purchases. You’ll be able to see exactly how much money was spent on gas to the last cent. Lastly, if you’re fleet is composed of older vehicles, you may want to slowly upgrade to newer cars with better fuel economy. Newer model cars are able to reduce idling time, which will save you a lot of money on fuel in the long run.

Managing Employees

Properly managing your employees will increase both productivity and profitability. All employees want a boss that is organized, guides them, and cares for them. Driving is a demanding task. Fleet drivers face long days by traveling long distances to transport products and services. Because of this, the federal government has issued mandates to keep drivers protected and safe. These mandates ensure they have enough rest time, so they’re not falling asleep behind the wheel, and can only drive a certain amount of hours. To stay on track with all of this compliance, electronic logs will allow drivers to track their time and report to office administrators. With an easy electronic system, your fleet drivers will be more productive, resulting in better work performance and increase revenue.

Incorporating Safety Measures

Whether you’re a ride-sharing company or you own a business that utilizes fleets to deliver your products, you want your drivers to always be safe. With millions of cars on the road at once across the country, accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. Upgrading your fleet with safety products will increase productivity by limiting the number of accidents, while also saving money on insurance and injuries.

  • Rear View Cameras: Investing in rear view or parking cameras will save your company money from minor accidents. If you have drivers in large trucks or cars, it can sometimes be difficult backing up in small parking lots. They may accidentally hit a light pole or car behind them because they can’t see it. Installing rearview cameras into your fleet vehicles will warn your drivers if they are getting close to another object, limiting the number of accidents while backing up or in reverse.
  • Blind Spot Sensors: Blind spot sensors are another great investment. Driving a big rig truck or any vehicle can be stressful on congested highways. Trying to switch lanes can be nerve-wracking because you may not see anyone in your blind spot. With blind spot sensors, you will hear an alert if you’re trying to switch lanes and a car is near you. This will reduce the number of accidents on the road and keep your drivers productive and out of harm’s way.
  • Safety Programs: Enrolling your fleet drivers in an online driving safety program is a great way to educate your drivers on the rules of the road. Requiring your drivers to enroll in a safety program will ensure you that your employees understand how to stay away from aggressive driving, anger, and tiredness.

All in all, owning a fleet company can be demanding. Because your employees are out of arm’s reach by being on the road, you may find it difficult to manage all the moving parts. However, there are numerous ways to monitor and track your drivers to help increase productivity. With technological apps to track fuel expenses and safety features to reduce accidents, you can upgrade your fleet to become productive and profitable.

Categories: Business
Ankit Kumar: A tech enthusiast, gamer and Search Engine Specialist, hailing from Delhi – The Capital of India. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer science engineering from Kurukshetra University.
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