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How to Delete Pages in Word Mac

Nothing’s more frustrating than realizing mid-document that you need to delete a page. Don’t worry though! We’ve got the step-by-step guide to help you easily and quickly delete pages in Word Mac, so you can get back to editing your document with confidence.


Deleting pages from a Word document in Mac OS® X can be a quick and easy task. In this guide, we will show you how to delete entire pages, parts of pages, headers and footers in Microsoft Word on your Mac. We’ll also give you additional tips on other ways to make it even easier to delete pages without affecting the content of any other page in the document. By following these steps, you will be able to quickly and easily manage your Word documents with confidence.

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Benefits of Deleting Pages in Word Mac

Deleting pages in Word Mac can be highly beneficial when they contain redundant or outdated information, or if you wish to streamline the document for more efficient processing. Pages can be deleted quickly and easily, saving you time and effort in the long run. Additionally, deleting pages can help improve processing speed by reducing the file size of your document.

In addition to improving file management, deleting pages from Microsoft Word Mac also helps improve readability for both readers and editors. This is particularly true if there are formatting inconsistencies or faulty styling that could interfere with optimum visibility of text.

Finally, deleting pages from Word Mac can enable better organization of documents by ensuring that readers are able to keep up with important content as quickly and efficiently as possible. As such, many users find that deleting pages in Word Mac prevents them from missing important information while still allowing them to access necessary data without unnecessary confusion or delay.

Understanding the Interface of Word Mac

Using Microsoft Word, in its latest Mac version, is an easy task. Before you begin to delete pages in a document, however, it helps to understand the unique interface of the program as it looks on a Macintosh computer.

At the top of the Word window you will see a familiar toolbar that includes buttons and menus for common features such as Cut, Copy, Paste and Font selection. You can use these general tools while editing your document. At the left side of the window there is a panel with tabs that show special options for formatting and manipulating text in many different ways.

A toolbar also appears at the bottom of every document which offers further controls for navigating around within your chosen file as well as making changes to how it is printed or designed on screen. Finally, when editing text on any page you’ll find a small grey box with two overlapping arrows – this is called the selection handle and it can be used to select portions of your work for modification such as deleting pages from the file altogether.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Pages in Word Mac

If you need to remove an entire page from a Word document in Mac OS X, you can do so by following the steps outlined below. Keep in mind that this guide may not work with some older versions of Word.

Step 1: Select the page or pages you wish to delete by pressing and holding Command+A (or choosing Edit>Select All). This will highlight all the text and objects on the page(s).

Step 2: Press the Delete button on your keyboard or right click and select Cut. This will remove all the text and objects on the highlighted page(s).

Step 3: To delete any remaining blank pages, click View>Print Layout.Then, click Page Setup>Options at the bottom ofthe Page Setup Window. Select Pages beside Show & type “1” into the box beside Range. iPad users must select All instead. Any remaining blank pages should be visible now and can be deleted by pressingCommand+A > Backspace (or choosing Edit > Delete).

Step 4: Save your document to ensure your changes are retained when you close Word Mac.

Tips for Deleting Pages in Word Mac

If you are using Microsoft Word on Mac, you may need to delete some pages or portions of text in your document. This quick guide will provide you with several useful tips on deleting unwanted pages in Word Mac.

First, if you want to remove an entire page from a Word document, simply click on the page’s border and press the delete key. You should also delete any blank lines within the page so that it does not appear as a partial page when printed.

Second, if you only want to remove certain elements from your document such as text or images, double-click the text or image and press delete. For example, if you have a table containing two columns and want to remove one of them, simply select the column and delete it. Similarly, if there is a graphic on a page that is no longer needed it can be easily deleted by selecting it and hitting delete.

Third, if there are multiple pages in your document that are identical or nearly identical excluding one element such as an image or caption then it may be more efficient to copy and paste the existing content into multiple global templates instead of deleting each instance individually. This way all future changes only need to be made once instead of repeating for every instance within your document. To do this copy the desired text into a separate Global Template ( created through File > New > Global Templates). Then when desired replace all instances of outdated templates with the new updated template throughout your document (Edit > Replace) .

Finally if there is an automatic table at the end of each page which has been generated using Word’s built-in table feature then it can be hard to determine how many pages have been added due to extra rows being added at run time since they will not appear upon initial examination.. When dealing with tables like this it is recommended that each row within its own sectioned off area so they can easily deleted without manually scrolling through several pages visualizing where extra rows might have caused additional line breaks at uneven places while printing out documents In conclusion frequent use of global templates is recommended whenever possible throughout word documents so that future changes are streamlined .

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When you are using Word for Mac, you may need to delete pages from your document. Below are a few tips on troubleshooting common issues with deleting pages in Word for Mac.

  • Make sure that there is no content in the headers and footers of the pages you want to delete. Headers and footers are deleted when you delete a page so they will be duplicated if you don’t make sure they are empty first.
  • Make sure that Page Breaks have been inserted into the document correctly. Go to View > Navigation Pane and double-click the Page Break icon at the bottom of each page to see if it has been inserted correctly.
  • If any page numbers have been added to the document, make sure they have been updated correctly after deleting or inserting pages. To update these numbers, go to Page Layout > Page Numbers and select “Update Now” under “Page Numbering Options”.
  • Check whether any columns exist within the section of pages you want to delete. If there are columns present, use a continuous section break instead of deleting individual pages so that your formatting will remain consistent across the entire section. This can be done by going to Layout > Breaks and selecting “Continuous” under Section Breaks in the column on the right side of your screen

Alternatives to Deleting Pages in Word Mac

If you’re using Microsoft Word for Mac, you may not have the ability to delete individual pages. The good news is that there are some alternatives that can help you achieve a similar result. Here are some of the most popular methods for removing pages from a Word document:

  1. Use the Cropping Tool: If you’d like to delete an entire page but keep its content on succeeding pages, try using the cropping tool (found in the Format tab) to crop out everything but the text or images you need. You can also crop out any other unwanted content, such as blank space around images or between paragraphs.
  2. Hide Pages: If you don’t want to delete a page but do want it hidden, simply click into your document and select View > Hide Pages in the menu bar at top. This will remove any page breaks associated with that page and will help keep your document neat and organized while still allowing access to hidden pages when needed.
  3. Split Sections: if its necessary to delete certain sections of your document without losing their content elsewhere on other pages, using Word’s Section Breaks feature is ideal for this purpose; simply use a Continuous Section Break at sections of your choosing and then either hide or delete those sections completely at once without affecting other parts of your text.
  4. Combine Multiple Pages: By consolidating multiple docpages into one combined page with repeating elements—headers, footers and paragraph styles—if needed as well as deleting what’s unwanted–it’s possible to remover multiple pages quickly and easily without compromising content or format on other pages (and since Pages are part of Word’s file structure, no data integrity is lost).


Deleting pages can be done quickly and efficiently in Microsoft Word on a Mac. Deleting one page at a time requires that you go to the bottom of the page, click and drag with your cursor, before selecting “Delete” from the menu on the top of your screen. For multiple pages, you must access the “Pages” section of Word by clicking the “View” tab, then using your mouse to select and delete each page. While this process may seem daunting at first, it is an easy and straightforward way to remove unwanted content from your document.

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