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How to Change Business Page Name on Facebook

how to change business page name on facebook

Navigating the vast sea of Facebook’s features can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially for business owners who want to make the most out of their online presence. A common query among these individuals is how to change the business page name on Facebook. Whether you’ve undergone a rebranding, made a typo, or just want a fresh start, changing your Facebook business page name can be essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the how-to, the benefits, and the considerations of this process. By the end, the question of “how to change business page name on Facebook?” will be answered in detail.

How to Change Business Name on Facebook Page

Before we explore the deeper implications and benefits, let’s start with the basics: how to change business page name on Facebook. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Login to Facebook: Start by logging into the account that manages the business page.
  2. Go to Your Business Page: Once logged in, navigate to your business page.
  3. Access ‘About’ on the Left Sidebar: On the left side of your page, click on ‘About’.
  4. Edit Page Info: Navigate to ‘Page Info’ and then find ‘Name’. Click ‘Edit’ next to it.
  5. Enter the New Name: Type in the desired business page name.
  6. Review and Confirm: Double-check the name for any typos or errors, then click ‘Continue’. Facebook will review the name change request, and you may need to provide additional information.

Remember, you can only change your business page name once every 7 days, so be certain about your decision.

The Benefits of Changing a Business Name on Facebook

Wondering why someone might ask how to change business page name on Facebook? Here are some key benefits:

  1. Reflects Rebranding: As businesses evolve, rebranding can be a strategic move. Changing your Facebook business page name aligns your online presence with this rebranding.
  2. Clarifies Business Offerings: Sometimes, a name change better illustrates the products or services offered, making it clearer for potential clients or customers.
  3. Correction of Errors: Mistakes happen. Correcting a typo or inaccurate name ensures professionalism and credibility.

The Pros and Cons of Changing a Business Name on Facebook

Every action has its upsides and downsides. Let’s discuss the pros and cons to understand why someone might ponder how to change business page name on Facebook.


  • Consistency Across Platforms: Keeping a consistent name across all platforms enhances brand recognition.
  • Refreshed Brand Image: A new name can invigorate and modernize a brand’s image.
  • Improved SEO: A more relevant or targeted name can boost SEO, making your business more discoverable.


  • Potential Confusion: Existing customers might get confused if they are unaware of the name change.
  • SEO Drop Initially: SEO rankings might drop initially after a name change before they improve.
  • Review Delays: Facebook reviews can take time, potentially causing business disruptions.

How to Track your Facebook Presence and Reviews

After understanding how to change business page name on Facebook, it’s essential to monitor how this change affects your online presence. Here’s how:

  1. Facebook Insights: Use Facebook Insights to track page views, engagement, and follower growth.
  2. Monitor Reviews: Keep an eye on reviews and feedback. Address any confusion that might arise from the name change.
  3. Engage with Comments: Interacting with followers can help smooth the transition, providing clarity and maintaining trust.

What Page Names are Allowed on Facebook

Before diving into how to change business page name on Facebook, it’s crucial to know Facebook’s guidelines. Here are some key rules:

  • Clarity: The name should accurately represent the business.
  • No Special Characters: Avoid using symbols, unnecessary punctuation, or capitalization.
  • No Misleading Words: Words like “official” can only be used if the business is the official representation of a brand or entity.
  • Length: The name shouldn’t be excessively long and should be easy to read.


By now, the process of how to change business page name on Facebook should be crystal clear. From understanding the benefits to knowing the guidelines, we’ve covered it all. Changing a business name on Facebook can be a strategic move, but it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and ensure alignment with Facebook’s guidelines. With this guide in hand, you’re well-equipped to make an informed decision and navigate the world of Facebook business branding.

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