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Facebook Is Making Deepfake Videos – Top Trending Stories

Here are today’s Top 5 News & Events from Around the World. Take a look!


Facebook Is Making Deepfake Videos, To Detect Deepfakes

Image Credit: Facebook

Facebook is using real actors to create deepfakes so that it can detect real deepfakes more effectively. The social media giant announced the Deepfake Detection Challenge on Thursday. Facebook will fund this research project with $10 million. The company will hire paid actors that will help to create a library of facial traits and characteristics eventually helping to detect deepfakes. Link.



Apple Launching Public Beta Of Apple Music

Image Credit: Apple Music Web screenshot

All of those who are subscribed to Apple Music can now access the same through the web also. The new web app will allow users to listen to their favourite item through any device. Link.



Elon Musk Trolled On Twitter

Image Credits: Natan Dvir/Bloomberg via Getty Images

People are trolling Elon Musk on Twitter after he tried to ridicule the new Porche Taycan Turbo Electric sports car. Elon in a tweet pointed out that you can’t use both turbo and electric for the same car. The reason being that there’s no turbo in electric cars. However, his tweet was met with a backlash of people pointing out how he too has used such similar terms in the past for his line of cars. Link.



Scientists Have Found The Gene Responsible For Lefthandedness

Image Credit: Flickr Derek Bruff

If you’re a lefthanded person, there’s good news for you. Scientists have finally found the gene that makes you a lefthanded person. University of Oxford scientists published their findings in the journal Brain. According to the research, lefthandedness results in different brain structures. Also, people who are lefthanded are considered to have better verbal skills than righthandedness. Link.



Alibaba Buys Kaola For $2 Billion

Image Credit: Alibaba Facebook

Eying the import sector in China, Alibaba has finally struck the deal to acquire Kaola from NetEase for $2 billion. Alibaba has announced the deal and has made it clear that the brand Kaola will operate as an independent brand. Link.


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