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Official Facebook Blog Is MISSING…How Dramatic Is That ! (Update)

Its more than 16 hrs since i realised official facebook blog’s dramatic non-existance on the web. Facebook blog missing.

The official Facebook blog, is not showing up for more than 16 hrs as of now. I was on some Wikipedia article where few references were pointing to posts on official Facebook blog. When I followed the external link to Facebook blog, I was almost dumbstruck, finding official Facebook blog with an “Invalid URL” error message.


Although I could never expect official Facebook blog, showing such an error, even in the event of the blog, being down for maintainence but just because it was an official blog of Facebook, I waited before speaking up about it. But now, its more than 16 hrs since I realised its dramatic non-existance on the web. I am sure there must be tens of thousands of links to hundreds of posts on official Facebook blog and suddenly, they all will appear ‘Dead links’ to the users who would click through them.

But yes, it will be very interesting to see when it comes back into existance(it surely will) and if it will answer why it went MISSING for so long.

Update: After having couple of conversations with folks at Twitter, I am realising that Facebook Blog is very much active and working fine. But I still can’t access Facebook blog at my end. Facebook is no problem to me(and no other website i guess). I reckon, its more to do with my ISP or may be the particular region(or country ‘India’) from where I am accessing Facebook Blog. The mystery remains puzzled as to why I can access Facebook and possibly every other site on web but Facebook Blog.

Update 2(June 9, 2009): Official Facebook Blog is very much accessible from here now. As the updated previously, the Facebook blog was not accessible from particular regions(i suspect it was India or may be entire Indian sub-continent). It never went down for U.S. and european countries. Anyways, guys at Facebook seems to  be have resolved the issue and Facebook Blog is back in action.

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