Here are today’s Top 5 News & Events from Around the World. Take a look!
Anti Gay App Costs Google Its Human Rights Campaign Endorsements

An anti-gay app is causing a lot of problems for Google. The app is developed by Living Hope Ministries and has been live on Google Play Store for quite a while now. Google, even after repeated complaints has not removed the app. The same app has been removed from various other app stores such as iOS, Amazon, and Microsoft. Today, after receiving more than 1,40,000 signature on against Google, the internet search giant has lost its endorsement from the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. As reported on Mashable India. Update: Google has removed the app.
Chinese Developers Want Saner Work Timings, Launches 996.ICU

If you’re wondering what 996.ICU stands for then it simply means 9 am to 9 pm work 6 days a week. This is what the Chinese labour laws say. A company can even, under the law, make labours work more than this schedule, provided that no severe harm is caused to the workers. But, now developers in China have banded together to change this law so that they are at least paid according to the overtime work. By the way, ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit, this suffix is to address the dire conditions of the labours in mainland China.
Huawei Is Flawed, According to British Authorities, US Vindicated?

British authorities have come to the conclusion after reviewing Huawei’s equipment that it has got some serious security flaws. The Chinese manufacturer of telecom equipment is facing worldwide scrutiny after, the US called out the possibility of Huawei snooping for the Chinese government. Currently, its CFO, who’s also the daughter of its founder is facing charges of violating Iran embargo and might face jail in the US. The recent report by the UK now gives more weight to what America has been saying all along. Report by NYT
Will FBI Probe Facebook, Yes Or No?

The mounting cases that have been accumulating against the social network giant might make the FBI look into these matters. There’s a chance that Facebook, which was so far untouched by such an investigation agency might just come under its radar. From the Justice Department to Housing and Urban Development, there are a number of agencies looking into civil and criminal cases slapped against Facebook. All this might lead to an extensive investigation by the FBI. NYT
Your Intel Chip has Something Mysterious, Say Researchers
Researchers claim that Intel chip that is used in many computers around the world has a mysterious and hidden technology. According to analysts at Positive Technologies, your household PC Intel chip has a cryptic ‘logic signal analyser’ that can read any data on your computer without your consent. For now, this report will fuel the conspiracy theories, but it hasn’t yet been reviewed by any credible agency. The findings were presented at the Black Hat Conference at Singapore.