Startup: Spinify

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Spinify was founded by Matt Bullock on Apr 2016.

About Spinify
1. Organisations want a clear and concise view of employee performance and their progress against their business targets. Sophisticated data analytics, gamification principles and motivational psychology techniques produce leaderboards that provide immediate performance feedback for employees to see and to act upon especially if they are falling behind in activity levels and target achievement. They also provide feedback to managers on what remedial action may be required (coaching or training) to ensure employees are equipped for higher levels of performance and productivity. 2. Organisations want to engage staff and motivate them to do more. 70% of employees are disengaged from their daily tasks and employer. Engaged employees are 31% more productive, sell 37% more and are 3x as creative as disengaged staff. Companies with engaged staff can outperform their competitors by up to 202%. 3. Organisations want an easy and consistent way to celebrate employee performance and reinforce the company recognition culture. Easy to set up competitions and leaderboards help companies share performance results across a team, an office or company environment. Inbuilt triggers celebrate people along the competition and highlight winners for all to see. Everyone can participate in the celebration. Visible performance information reinforces a transparent company culture and that’s also good for business.

How is Spinify unique
Easy Setup with AI assistant Banish Boredom with themes, colours and animations Analytics trigger notifications of leaderboard competition changes Pause leaderboards, don’t miss performance updates

Spinify might be useful for
Anyone with employees on activity targets

Business Model
Spinify integrates with popular data apps. They have a customer base looking for ways to engage and motivate employees for better performance.


Marketing Strategies

Hoopla, LevelEleven, Gamifier

Good Stuff
Understand and built product to eliminate the gaps in existing providers

Scope of improvement
Not first to market

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