Startup: Aveho Learning

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Aveho Learning was founded by Ryan Skolnick on Nov 2015.

About Aveho Learning
Aveho Learning is immersive language learning product that uses tech students love games to teach a language. We feel that learning a language should be affordable, dramatically more effective and certainly shouldn’t be boring. We’ve left language learning CD’s in the past by teaching language the way we first learned to speak as children, through immersion. Imagine a teenager playing a popular video game, they are so engaged you call their name and they don’t respond. We have created a fully immersive, photorealistic video game by combining this idea with the fact that educators know, going to a country is by far the best way to learn a language. So learning Spanish, no problem, you will be doing that inside Barcelona. So not only are you learning the language but also experiencing the culture. We are unique, by disrupting the language learning market focusing on photo realism, immersion, and most importantly achieving what can’t currently be done in a classroom setting, teaching ALL of the 5 C’s of better language learning… Communities, Culture, Communication, Connections, and Comparisons. Aveho will be available online and as apps for your computer, phone and tablet. This way, you can take language learning wherever you go, moving from platform to platform seamlessly. Language learning that is effective, affordable and fun.

How is Aveho Learning unique
Please like our video https://youtu.be/eP42Ctkuq-c We are in a startup contest. We are unique in that we are using immersion to learn a new language. Immersion is how we learn to speak as children.

Aveho Learning might be useful for
K-12 market

Business Model
We will generate revenues by selling to the K-12 market

Marketing Strategies
Social Media

Babble, Rosetta Stone

Good Stuff

  • Learning through immersion
  • using a video game to keep students interested in the learning process

Scope of improvement
Tech is tricky to code and takes time

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