SoftBank is making a big ‘AI Investment Plan’

Here is today’s top trending news from the world of technology. News that every tech enthusiast should keep a tab on.   


SoftBank is making a big ‘AI Investment Plan’

SoftBank Group CEO Masayoshi Son announced in company’s annual general meeting on Wednesday that the company will be soon shifting to offensive mode to invest in AI companies and startups. AI has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries and I want SoftBank to lead the AI race, Son said in the meeting. It will be interesting to see how SoftBank’s AI investment plan pans out. Despite suffering heavy investment losses in recent years, it is clear that Son does not want to miss the AI boom. Son is a long-time believer in the potential of AI. He once said that AI will be the “most important technology of the 21st century.”


Dropbox launches Two Generative AI Tools DropBox Dash & Dropbox AI

Cloud storage provider DropBox on Wednesday unveiled AI-powered tools: Dropbox Dash and Dropbox AI. Dropbox Dash is a universal search tool that can search across your Dropbox files and other apps by using a single search bar. On other hand, Dropbox AI is a tool that can completely summarize the contents of your Dropbox files and thereby helping you understand large documents and videos. Currently both of these tools are still in beta testing but Dropbox said that both tools have the potential to make the platform even more powerful and productive.


Marvel Criticized for using AI Tool to create Opening Credit in Disney Series

Marvel Studios is facing backlash from fans for using AI to create the opening credits for its Disney+ series Secret Invasion. Many fans argued on the social media that the AI-generated visuals are too abstract and lack the impact of traditional opening credits. However, Director Ali Selim defended the use of AI in the opening credits, claiming that it fits with the paranoid themes of the show. He also argued that AI-generated visuals were more visually interesting than traditional opening credits. Despite the backlash, there is likelihood that more & more Hollywood studios will use AI tools to create opening credit in the future.


FTC Sues Amazon for Duping users to Subscribe to Amazon Prime

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed a lawsuit against Amazon for allegedly tricking consumers into signing up for its Prime membership service without seeking their proper consent. In the lawsuit, FTC has alleged that Amazon used manipulative practices to induce users, like bundling Prime with other products or services, hiding the cancellation process and using misleading language. FTC has sought monetary damage from Amazon and asked the court to order Amazon to change its practices so that consumers can easily cancel their Prime memberships. Amazon has denied the FTC’s allegations and said it will “vigorously defend” itself in court.


Twitter has reportedly started paying its Google Cloud bills

Twitter has started paying its Google Cloud bill again after a brief dispute. The microblogging platform had stopped paying its bills in May, claiming that it was being overcharged by Google Cloud. On other hand, Google Cloud claimed that its prices were absolutely fair. However, Twitter’s reversal course clearly hints that the two companies were able to reach a mutual agreement on the pricing.

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Girish Shetti: A writer with a passion for tech, marketing, and sports, he delivers captivating articles for the tech enthusiasts. Girish’s expertise in technology and startup analysis brings insightful content and the latest trends to our readers. He loves being the ‘first’ to know(and write) all that’s happening in the world of Tech and startups.