Here are the top and latest trending news from the world of technology
Oracle-TikTok Deal gets Trump’s blessings

Oracle-TikTok deal has received U.S President Donald Trump’s approval, according to a report published in “I have given blessing to the deal and I approved the deal in concept,” Trump was reportedly quoted saying. Most political analysts are viewing Oracle-TikTok deal as Trump’s desperation to salvage his reputation amid his declining approval ratings. With his reputation taking a massive hit over his alleged mishandling of coronavirus pandemic, analyst claim that Trump went behind TikTok’s U.S business in order to get even with China and rejuvenate his popularity ahead of the U.S election.
Sony had messed up PS5’s pre-order, turns with an apology
Sony has openly agreed that it has sort of messed up PS5’s pre-order and has apologized for the same. On Playstation’s official Twitter handle, Sony said that it will compensate for the pre-order mess by releasing more PS5 consoles in the upcoming pre-order. Sony ended up messing up with pre-order as it decided to open the pre-order on Wednesday, a day earlier than it was actually scheduled. This led to a scramble as many retailers including Walmart started randomly opening their pre-order slot and as a result many pre-orders got disappeared on Wednesday itself.
Tencent is likely to be the next Chinese company to face the ire from Trump Government

After going full throttle against TikTok and WeChat, the next Chinese company on Trump government’s list is probably Tencent. According to reports, U.S. government has dashed out a letter to prominent US gaming companies to enquire about their relationship with Chinese gaming and internet giant Tencent. The report claims that the U.S. government wants to specifically investigate whether U.S companies’ commercial relationship with Tencent is resulting in the breach of data sharing protocol. For all those who are not aware, Tencent is the world’s largest gaming company and has global presence including in the U.S.
Google is arm twisting its competitors, Paytm alleges after Play Store briefly dumps its apps
Paytm has fired salvo at Google after Play Store briefly dumped its two apps (the flagship Paytm app and recently launched Paytm First Games app) on Saturday, accusing the tech giant of taking unfair advantage of its monopoly over the app ecosystem. Paytm happens to be a direct competitor of Google Pay in India’s rapidly growing UPI payment market. Paytm has accused that Google play store is stopping its flagship app (Paytm app) from acquiring new Users. Google has so far not offer any official statement to Paytm accusations.