Musk claims that Tesla is working on Humanoid Robots

Tesla’s founder & CEO Elon Musk has said in its AI event that his company is currently working on humanoid Robots and the prototype should be ready somewhere next year. Without going into specifics, Musk added that these robots will be handling tasks that are unsafe repetitive or boring. Tesla’s ongoing work on Humanoid Robots has certainly made everyone’s tongue wagging. But it must be noted that Tesla’s past is littered with many fanciful experiments that has never seen the day of light. This includes experiments like solar powered super charger network, battery swapping so and so forth.
Microsoft Invests in India’s hotel chain startup Oyo

Microsoft has invested $5 Mn in India’s hospit ality unicorn startup Oyo. The news has not been officially announced but was broken by leading news portal Entrackr. Although this is a very small investment by Microsoft, the investment has been tagged as strategic deal between the two companies. The investment is also considered as a precursor to Oyo’s IPO that is expected to hit the market next year.
China Intensifies tech crackdown as it passes a new data privacy law

China’s communist parliament has passed a new data privacy law. This is for the first time that China has passed a comprehensive law on data protection. Although details of the law has not been made public, the law is been seen as China’s latest effort to crackdown on its big tech companies.
Twitter rolls out new updates for its DM

Direct Message or DM is not among Twitter’s most used or popular feature. However, this might change if people are swayed by new updates that Twitter is rolling out for DM users. Among the many things, this new update will help people to DM a tweet to multiple people in different chats at once on IOS and web.
Adobe to acquire video software maker Frame.io

Adobe announced on Thursday that it will be acquiring Frame.io for whopping $1.27 Bn. Although the deal is subjected to regulatory approval, it is expected to close in the fourth quarter. Frame.io is essentially a cloud based video collaboration platform.