Is Saudi Behind Bezos’ Affair Leak? – Top Trending Stories

Here are today’s Top 5 News & Events from Around the World. Take a look!


Is Saudi Behind Bezos’ Affair Leak?

Image Credits: Flickr #B4DBUG5

In the latest revelations, the Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ security consultant has said that the Suadi Government is behind the affair leak. It has alleged that the Saudi did hack Bezos’ phone to snoop into his conversations and chats to make him vulnerable. It is an interesting geopolitical development in the making. The security consultant, Gavin De Becker that Bezos hired said that the Saudis did this to avenge the extensive coverage of journalist Jamal Khashoggi death in Washington Post which is owned by Bezos. Becker wrote his findings on The Daily Beast, alleging Saudi Government had been spying on Amazon CEO for several months. According to him, Saudi was serious about harming Bezos for Washington Post’s coverage of the journalist’s murder.



Zuckerberg’s Old Posts Vanish, Company Calls It a Mistake

Image Credits: Flickr Scott Beale

Many old posts of Marck Zuckerberg have vanished from Facebook and the staff is saying that it got deleted by mistake. A couple of years ago the same thing happened. These instances of disappearances have deleted not just casual messages from Zuckerberg but important ones too. For example, the post on the Instagram acquisition. A Facebook spokesperson said that restoring posts will take up a lot of time. Hence, it has abandoned any plans to do so. As reported on Business Insider.



New Aus Law Can Jail Social Media Ex on Failing to Prevent Christchurch Like Incident

Image Credits: Flickr Rossendale 2016

Australia is going to act tough with social media companies. Under its new proposed law, if a social media company such as Facebook fails to take down extremist content in time, its executives will face jail time. The new rules are an effect of what happened in New Zealand where a white extremist shot down 50 people in a live Facebook video. The New Zealand Prime Minister too called for higher responsibility from the social media internet giants such as Facebook and Google.  There’s a possibility that apart from jail time, there could be a fine of billions on these firms if they don’t comply according to the rules. Report.



Would You Like to Drink And Drive? Then Wait for this Alcohol

Image Credits: Flickr chriscrowder_4

If you wanted to drink the whole night and drive back home without the need of a cab then there’s good news. David Nutt, the scientist behind the fake alcohol has done just that. His fake alcohol will keep you buzzed but will not make you drunk so that you’re not able to drive back home. Alcarelle fake alcohol has the ability to bring down the number of accidents that occur due to drunk driving. But it isn’t coming to your bars just yet. The whole process will take up to five years from initial testing to mass production. Link.



Chinese Make Jail-Break Impossible, AI’s New Frontier

Image Credits: South China Morning Post

Chinese have build VIP jails that house many high ranking individuals from various sectors of the Chinese economy that were arrested for different crimes. These jails have better amenities and require higher security setup just to keep it running. The Yancheng prison will now have AI monitors. And it will keep a constant eye on the movements of high profile inmates and alert the guards when there’s a slight variation. This technology will bring down the number of guards required to man the prison and also save a lot of resources. On the ethical front, no questions are raised as China has its own way of implementing what it wants to do. As reported on South China Morning Post.


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