How to Put Two Photos Side by Side

In this digital age, learning “How to Put Two Photos Side by Side” is a valuable skill for anyone looking to enhance their visual content. Whether you’re a social media enthusiast, a professional photographer, or just someone who loves to share memories, putting two photos side by side can add a creative touch to your images. This comprehensive guide will walk you through various methods to achieve this on different devices and platforms.

How to Put Two Photos Side by Side on iPhone

For iPhone users, figuring out “How to Put Two Photos Side by Side” can unlock a realm of creative possibilities, from making engaging social media posts to personal photo projects. While the iPhone doesn’t have a built-in feature explicitly for this task, there are several easy methods to achieve it, using both native apps and third-party applications.

Using the Shortcuts App

Apple’s Shortcuts app is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, including putting two photos side by side.

  1. Create a New Shortcut: Open the Shortcuts app and create a new shortcut.
  2. Add Actions: Search for and add actions to select photos from your library and combine them. You can customize the layout and size of the images within the shortcut.
  3. Run the Shortcut: Once your shortcut is set up, you can select two photos and run the shortcut to combine them side by side.

This method requires a bit of initial setup but can be a powerful tool once configured.

Using Third-Party Apps

There are numerous third-party apps available on the App Store that make it simple to put two photos side by side. These apps often provide more advanced editing features as well.

  • Layout from Instagram: This app is specifically designed for combining multiple photos into a single image. It offers a variety of layouts, including side-by-side options.
  • Pic Collage or Canva: Both apps offer collage-making tools where you can choose a layout and insert your photos, placing them side by side with ease.

Using Apple’s Keynote

Keynote, Apple’s presentation app, can also be used creatively for this purpose.

  1. Open Keynote and Create a New Presentation: Choose a blank template.
  2. Add Photos: Drag and drop your two photos onto the slide. You can adjust their size and position them side by side.
  3. Export the Slide as an Image: Once your photos are arranged, export the slide as an image file, which will save your side-by-side photo arrangement.

How to Put Two Photos Side by Side on Android

Android users often seek efficient ways to enhance their photo presentations, and learning “How to Put Two Photos Side by Side on Android” is a valuable skill for this purpose. Unlike iOS, Android doesn’t have a native app specifically designed for this task, but there are plenty of third-party apps available on the Google Play Store that make it easy and effective to place two photos side by side.

Using Google Photos

While Google Photos, the default photo app on many Android devices, doesn’t offer a direct way to put photos side by side, it does have basic editing tools that can be creatively used.

  1. Select a Photo: Open Google Photos and select one of the photos you want to use.
  2. Edit and Collage: Use the ‘Edit’ feature to combine the selected photo with another. However, this may require some manual adjustment.

Third-Party Apps

There are numerous apps available for Android that are specifically designed for photo editing and creating collages, including placing two photos side by side.

  • PhotoGrid: This app offers a variety of layouts for photo collages, including side-by-side options. It’s user-friendly and comes with additional editing tools.
  • PicsArt: Known for its extensive photo editing capabilities, PicsArt also allows users to create collages, including side-by-side photo layouts.
  • Canva: While primarily a design app, Canva also provides the functionality to create photo collages. It offers a range of templates and design elements to enhance your photos.

Using Online Tools

For those who prefer not to download an app, there are online photo editors that can be accessed through a web browser on your Android device. Websites like Canva, Fotor, and PicMonkey offer the ability to create photo collages, including side-by-side layouts, and can be used directly from your phone’s browser.

DIY Method with a Photo Editor

If you’re comfortable with photo editing, you can manually put two photos side by side using a basic photo editor app:

  1. Create a Blank Canvas: Open the photo editor and create a blank canvas twice the width of your photos.
  2. Import Photos: Import the two photos onto the canvas and adjust them side by side.
  3. Save the Image: Once the photos are positioned correctly, save the image.

For Instagram enthusiasts, understanding “How to Put Two Photos Side by Side on Instagram” is essential for creating engaging and unique posts. While Instagram itself does not directly offer a feature to place images side by side within a single post, there are straightforward methods to achieve this effect before uploading to the platform.

Using Instagram’s Layout Feature

Instagram offers a standalone app called Layout, which is specifically designed for creating photo collages, including side-by-side pictures.

  1. Download Layout: Install the Layout app from Instagram, available in the App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Select Your Photos: Open Layout and choose the two photos you want to place side by side from your gallery.
  3. Choose a Layout: The app provides various layout options. Select one that places your photos side by side.
  4. Edit and Customize: You can adjust the size and position of each photo within the layout.
  5. Share on Instagram: Once your side-by-side image is ready, save it and share it directly to Instagram from the Layout app.

Third-Party Apps

There are also many third-party apps that can be used to create side-by-side photos for Instagram.

  • Canva: Known for its user-friendly interface, Canva offers various templates for social media posts, including options for side-by-side photos.
  • Pic Collage: This app provides a simple way to create photo collages, with easy-to-use tools and various layouts.
  • Adobe Spark Post: Ideal for more creative users, Adobe Spark Post offers advanced editing and layout options, perfect for creating unique side-by-side images.

Editing Before Posting

Another method is to use any photo editing app to place two photos side by side, save the edited photo to your device, and then upload it to Instagram as a regular post.

  1. Edit Using a Photo App: Choose a photo editing app and use it to create a side-by-side image.
  2. Save the Image: Once your image is ready, save it to your device.
  3. Upload to Instagram: Open Instagram and upload the edited image as you would with any other post.

How to Make Side by Side Photos on iPhone Without a Third-Party App

Many iPhone users seek ways to creatively edit photos without the need for additional downloads. “How to Make Side by Side Photos on iPhone Without a Third-Party App” is a common query for those looking to quickly and efficiently place images side by side using the tools already available on their device. Here are some methods to achieve this using native iPhone features.

Using the Shortcuts App

Apple’s Shortcuts app is a powerful tool that can be used for various tasks, including placing two photos side by side. You can create a custom shortcut to automate this process.

  1. Create a New Shortcut: Open the Shortcuts app and tap on the ‘+’ icon to create a new shortcut.
  2. Add Actions for Photos: Add actions to select photos from your library and then use the “Combine Images” action to place them side by side.
  3. Run the Shortcut: Once set up, you can choose two photos and use the shortcut to merge them into a single side-by-side image.

Using the Markup Feature in Photos App

The Photos app on the iPhone, coupled with the Markup tool, can be used to create a side-by-side photo layout manually.

  1. Create a Blank Background: First, take a screenshot to use as a blank canvas. You can do this by capturing a blank note in the Notes app.
  2. Open the Screenshot in Photos: Go to the Photos app, open the screenshot, and tap “Edit.”
  3. Use Markup to Add Photos: Tap on the Markup icon (a pen tip), then press the ‘+’ icon and select “Add Image.” Choose the first photo to add. Resize and drag the photo to one side of the canvas. Repeat the process for the second photo.
  4. Save Your Image: Once both photos are positioned side by side, save the edited screenshot.

Utilizing the Notes App

The Notes app on the iPhone can also be a creative way to put photos side by side.

  1. Create a New Note: Open the Notes app and create a new note.
  2. Insert Photos: Tap on the camera icon and choose ‘Photo Library’ to insert your chosen images. You can add two photos and adjust them to sit side by side within the note.
  3. Take a Screenshot: Once your photos are arranged, take a screenshot of the note, and crop it to fit the photos.
Categories: Tech Technology
Prashant Sharma: <a title="About" href="http://www.techpluto.com/about-us/">Prashant Sharma</a> is a Delhi based Entrepreneur who spent most of his college days polishing his marketing skills and went for his first business venture at 19. Having tasted failure in his entrepreneurial debut, he turned a Tech-enthusiast, specializing in web technologies later. Join him on <a href="https://plus.google.com/110037121732872055442/?rel=author">Google Plus</a>
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