How to Know if Someone Restricted You on Instagram

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with millions of active users every day. It’s a great way to share your life with others, but it can also be a source of stress and anxiety if you’re not sure if someone has restricted you. In this article, we’ll explore how to know if someone has restricted you on Instagram and what it means for your relationship with them.

What Does Restrict Mean on Instagram?

Before we dive into how to know if someone has restricted you on Instagram, let’s first understand what “restrict” means on the platform. When you restrict someone on Instagram, it means that you’re limiting their access to your account. This includes comments, direct messages, and even the ability to see when you’re online or typing a message.

The person you’ve restricted won’t receive any notification that they’ve been restricted, so it’s a subtle way to distance yourself from them without completely blocking them from your account.

How to Know if Someone Restricted You on Instagram Story

Instagram stories are a great way to share your daily life with your followers, but what happens when you can no longer see someone’s story? If you’re not sure if someone has restricted you on Instagram, there are a few things you can do to find out. Here are some tips on how to know if someone has restricted you on Instagram story.

  1. Check if You Can See Their Story

The first and easiest way to know if someone has restricted you on Instagram is to check if you can see their story. If you can’t see their story, it’s possible that they’ve restricted you. Here’s how to check:

  • Open Instagram and go to the person’s profile who you think might have restricted you.
  • Look for their story. If their story doesn’t show up at the top of your feed, it’s possible that they’ve restricted you.
  1. Look for the “No Posts Yet” Message

Another way to know if someone has restricted you on Instagram story is to look for the “No Posts Yet” message. This message will appear when the person has posted a story, but you’re not able to see it because you’ve been restricted. Here’s how to check:

  • Open Instagram and go to the person’s profile who you think might have restricted you.
  • Look for the “No Posts Yet” message above their profile picture. If you see this message, it’s possible that you’ve been restricted.
  1. Ask a Mutual Friend

If you’re still not sure if someone has restricted you on Instagram, you can always ask a mutual friend. If you have a friend who follows the person in question, you can ask them if they’re able to see the person’s stories. If your friend can see the stories, but you can’t, it’s possible that you’ve been restricted.

  1. Check Direct Messages

Another way to know if someone has restricted you on Instagram is to check your direct messages. If you’ve been restricted, your direct messages to the person will be moved to the “Message Requests” folder. Here’s how to check:

  • Open Instagram and go to your direct messages.
  • Look for the conversation with the person who you think might have restricted you.
  • If the conversation is in the “Message Requests” folder, it’s possible that you’ve been restricted.
  1. Try to Comment on a Post

If you’re still not sure if someone has restricted you on Instagram, you can try to comment on one of their posts. If your comment doesn’t show up, it’s possible that you’ve been restricted. Here’s how to check:

  • Open Instagram and go to the person’s profile who you think might have restricted you.
  • Find a post and leave a comment.
  • Check back later to see if your comment is still there. If it’s not, it’s possible that you’ve been restricted.

Why Do People Use Instagram Restriction Feature

Instagram’s restriction feature allows users to limit interactions with other users without outright blocking them. This feature has become increasingly popular among Instagram users, but why do people use it? Here are some reasons why people use the Instagram restriction feature:

  1. To Control Negative Comments

One of the main reasons why people use the Instagram restriction feature is to control negative comments. If a user is receiving a lot of negative comments from a particular user, they can use the restriction feature to limit the visibility of the comments. By doing so, they can reduce the impact of the negative comments on their mental health and wellbeing.

  1. To Avoid Unwanted Contact

Another reason why people use the Instagram restriction feature is to avoid unwanted contact from other users. If a user is receiving unwanted direct messages or comments from a particular user, they can use the restriction feature to limit the visibility of the messages or comments. By doing so, they can avoid being harassed or bullied on the platform.

  1. To Set Boundaries

Using the Instagram restriction feature is also a way for users to set boundaries with other users. By limiting the visibility of comments or direct messages from certain users, they can communicate that they are not interested in engaging with them. This is particularly useful for users who may be receiving unwanted attention from other users.

  1. To Avoid Drama

Another reason why people use the Instagram restriction feature is to avoid drama. By limiting the visibility of comments or direct messages from certain users, they can prevent conflicts from escalating. This is particularly useful for users who may be involved in online disputes or arguments.

  1. To Protect Privacy

Using the Instagram restriction feature can also be a way for users to protect their privacy. By limiting the visibility of comments or direct messages from certain users, they can prevent others from accessing personal information or photos that they do not want to share publicly.

What Happens When Someone Restricts You on Instagram

If someone restricts you on Instagram, it means that they have limited your interactions with them without outright blocking you. Here are some things that happen when someone restricts you on Instagram:

  1. Your Comments are Hidden

When someone restricts you on Instagram, your comments on their posts are hidden from everyone except you. This means that other users will not be able to see your comments on their posts, and the person who restricted you will have to manually approve your comments before they are visible to others.

  1. Your Direct Messages are Filtered

When someone restricts you on Instagram, your direct messages to them are filtered into a separate folder called the “Message Requests” folder. This means that your messages will not appear in their main inbox, and they will have to manually approve your messages before they can see them.

  1. You Cannot See When They are Online

If someone restricts you on Instagram, you will not be able to see when they are online or when they have last been active on the platform. This feature is designed to give users more privacy and control over their interactions on the platform.

  1. Your Stories are Not Visible to Them

When someone restricts you on Instagram, your stories will not be visible to them. This means that they will not be able to see your stories in their feed or in the list of viewers who have viewed their own stories.

  1. Your Profile is Not Visible to Them

If someone restricts you on Instagram, they will not be able to see your profile unless they manually search for your username. This means that your posts, followers, and following lists will not be visible to them.

How to Restrict Someone on Instagram

Instagram’s restriction feature is a useful tool for limiting interactions with other users without outright blocking them. Here’s how to restrict someone on Instagram:

  1. Open the User’s Profile

The first step in restricting someone on Instagram is to open their profile. You can do this by searching for their username in the search bar at the top of the app or by tapping on their username in a comment or direct message.

  1. Tap the Three Dots

Once you have opened the user’s profile, tap the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen. This will open a menu of options for interacting with the user.

  1. Select “Restrict”

In the menu of options, select the “Restrict” option. This will open a prompt asking if you want to restrict the user. Tap “Restrict” again to confirm.

  1. Confirm the Restriction

After you confirm the restriction, the user will be restricted on your account. They will not be notified that they have been restricted, but they will notice some changes in their interactions with you (as mentioned in the previous section).

  1. Adjust Restriction Settings

After you have restricted someone on Instagram, you can adjust the restriction settings to customize your interactions with them. To do this, go to your Instagram settings and select “Privacy”. Then, select “Restricted Accounts” and tap on the user’s name. From here, you can adjust settings for their comments, direct messages, and story interactions.

Block vs Restrict on Instagram

Instagram provides two tools for limiting interactions with other users: block and restrict. While both of these features limit interactions, they differ in their severity and functionality. Here’s how they compare:


Blocking someone on Instagram is a more severe action than restricting them. When you block someone, they are completely prevented from interacting with you on the platform. This means that they cannot see your posts, stories, or profile, and they cannot send you direct messages or comment on your posts.

Blocking someone also has some additional effects on your account. For example, when you block someone, they will be removed from your list of followers, and you will no longer see any of their activity on the platform.


Restricting someone on Instagram is a more subtle way of limiting interactions. When you restrict someone, they can still see your profile, posts, and stories, but their interactions with you are limited. This means that their comments on your posts are hidden from everyone except them, and you can choose whether to approve or delete them. Additionally, their direct messages to you are filtered into a separate folder, and you can choose whether to accept or delete them. Make bold comments on Instagram to emphasize your point.

Restricting someone also has some additional effects on their account. For example, when you restrict someone, they will not be able to see when you are online or when you have last been active on the platform.

Choosing Between Block and Restrict

When deciding whether to block or restrict someone on Instagram, it is important to consider the severity of their behavior and your own personal boundaries. If someone is harassing or threatening you on the platform, blocking them may be the best option to ensure your safety and well-being.

On the other hand, if someone is simply annoying or irritating, restricting them may be a more appropriate option. This can help to limit their interactions with you without completely cutting them off from your account.

How to Protect Your Kids from Cyberbullying on Instagram?

In the digital age, social media platforms like Instagram have become integral to our children’s social lives, but they also expose them to risks such as cyberbullying. Protecting your kids from such threats requires a proactive and collaborative approach. Here are strategies to help safeguard your children from cyberbullying on Instagram:

1. Open Communication

Establish an open line of communication with your children about their online activities. Encourage them to share their experiences and express any concerns they might have about interactions on Instagram.

  • Discuss Cyberbullying: Explain what cyberbullying is, its impact, and reassure them that they can come to you if they ever feel threatened or uncomfortable online.
  • Share Experiences: Regularly talk about your own online experiences and challenges, making such discussions a normal part of conversation.

2. Educate About Online Safety

Teach your kids about online safety and the importance of maintaining privacy on social media platforms.

  • Privacy Settings: Show them how to adjust their privacy settings on Instagram to control who can see their posts, comment on them, and send them messages.
  • Personal Information: Stress the importance of not sharing personal information, such as their location, phone number, or other sensitive details.

3. Encourage Responsible Social Media Use

Instill a sense of responsibility in your kids about how they interact on social media.

  • Positive Interactions: Encourage them to be kind and respectful in their online interactions, fostering a positive social media environment.
  • Think Before Posting: Teach them to think critically about the potential impact of what they post or share online.

4. Monitor Social Media Use

While respecting their privacy, keep an eye on your child’s social media use to ensure they’re engaging in safe and positive interactions.

  • Account Access: For younger children, have access to their Instagram account to monitor their activity and interactions.
  • Time Limits: Set reasonable boundaries on social media use to prevent excessive exposure and to encourage a healthy online-offline balance.

5. Use Instagram’s Safety Features

Familiarize yourself and your child with the safety features and reporting tools Instagram offers.

  • Block and Report: Show them how to block users who are bothering them and report inappropriate content or behavior to Instagram.
  • Comment Filters: Use Instagram’s comment filtering options to automatically hide offensive comments.

6. Install Parental Control Apps

Consider using parental control apps that can help monitor your child’s online activity and flag potentially harmful interactions.

  • Monitoring Tools: Apps like Bark or Net Nanny can alert you to potential cyberbullying incidents or other concerning online behaviors.

7. Create a Support System

Ensure your child knows they have a support system that extends beyond their immediate family.

  • School Involvement: Inform teachers or school counselors if cyberbullying is affecting your child, as it may impact their school life.
  • Peer Support: Encourage friendships with peers who exhibit positive online behavior and can provide mutual support against cyberbullying.

8. Take Action When Necessary

If your child becomes a victim of cyberbullying, take immediate action to address the situation.

  • Document Evidence: Keep records of cyberbullying instances, including screenshots and details of the incidents.
  • Contact Authorities: In severe cases, contact law enforcement or legal advisors, especially if the bullying includes threats or hate speech.

Protecting your kids from cyberbullying on Instagram requires a multifaceted approach that combines education, monitoring, and the use of available tools and resources. By fostering open communication, teaching responsible online behavior, and taking advantage of Instagram’s safety features, you can create a safer online environment for your children.

How to Fix Someone Restricting You on Instagram

Instagram is a popular social media platform where people can connect, share their lives, and interact with others. However, sometimes conflicts or misunderstandings may arise, leading someone to restrict your account on Instagram. Being restricted can limit your interactions and visibility on the platform, but there are steps you can take to address the situation and potentially resolve the issue. Here’s a guide on how to fix someone restricting you on Instagram:

  1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation: Before taking any action, it’s essential to remain calm and assess why someone has restricted you. Try to remember any recent interactions or comments that may have led to this situation. Understanding the reason behind it will help you approach the issue more effectively.
  2. Reach Out Via Direct Message: The first step in resolving the issue is to communicate. Send the person who has restricted you a polite and respectful direct message. Express your concern and ask if there has been any misunderstanding or if there’s anything you can do to resolve the situation. Keep the conversation respectful and avoid confrontation.
  3. Apologize If Necessary: If you realize that your actions or comments may have upset the person who restricted you, be open to apologizing. A sincere apology can go a long way in diffusing tension and mending the relationship.
  4. Wait Patiently: After reaching out, give the person some time to respond. Understand that they may need time to consider your message and decide on their next steps. Avoid bombarding them with multiple messages, as this may worsen the situation.
  5. Check Your Privacy Settings: While you wait for a response, review your Instagram privacy settings. Ensure that your profile is set to “Public” if you wish to engage with a broader audience. Adjusting your settings can make your content more accessible.
  6. Respect Their Decision: It’s essential to respect the other person’s boundaries and decisions. If they choose to continue restricting your account, you must accept their choice gracefully. Pushing further may only strain the situation.
  7. Learn From the Experience: Use this situation as an opportunity for personal growth and reflection. Reflect on your online interactions and how you can improve your communication with others on social media. This can help prevent similar issues in the future.
  8. Move On Positively: If your efforts to resolve the issue do not yield a positive outcome, it’s best to move on. Instagram is a vast platform with countless users, and there are many opportunities to connect with others who share your interests and values.

Remember that conflicts can happen in any online community, and it’s essential to handle them with maturity and respect. Building positive connections and fostering a supportive online environment should always be a priority.

The Difference Between Restricted And Blocked On Instagram

Instagram provides users with various privacy and security features to control their online interactions. Two common actions users can take are “restricting” and “blocking” other accounts. These actions serve different purposes and have distinct implications for your Instagram experience. Let’s explore the key differences between “restricted” and “blocked” on Instagram:

1. Restricted on Instagram:

  • Limited Visibility: When you restrict someone on Instagram, they can still follow you and see your posts, but with some limitations. They won’t receive notifications when you post, and your posts won’t appear in their main feed.
  • Comments and Messages: Restricted users can comment on your posts, but their comments are hidden by default. You have the option to approve or delete their comments. In the same way, their direct messages will go to your message requests, allowing you to choose whether to read, delete, or respond.
  • Story Views: Restricted users can view your stories, but you won’t see their views unless they send you a direct message in response to your story.
  • No Alert: When you restrict someone, they won’t be notified that they’ve been restricted. This makes it a more discreet way to manage your interactions.

2. Blocked on Instagram:

  • Complete Restriction: When you block someone on Instagram, it means they are entirely restricted from your profile. They can’t see your posts, stories, or any of your activities on the platform.
  • No Communication: Blocking also prevents any form of direct communication, including messages and comments. The blocked user won’t be able to send you messages, comment on your posts, or mention you in their content.
  • Profile Visibility: Your profile won’t be visible to the person you’ve blocked, and they won’t be able to search for your account or follow you again.
  • Notification: When you block someone, they will receive a notification that they’ve been blocked, making it clear that the action has been taken.

Choosing Between Restricted and Blocked:

The choice between restricting and blocking someone on Instagram depends on the nature of your relationship and the level of interaction you wish to maintain. Here are some considerations:

  • Restrict someone if you want to limit their interactions without completely cutting ties. This option is suitable when you wish to keep the peace or maintain some level of connection with the person.
  • Block someone when you want to completely remove them from your Instagram experience. This is appropriate for situations where you feel harassed, unsafe, or no longer want any contact with the individual.

Understanding the difference between restricting and blocking on Instagram allows you to make informed decisions about managing your online relationships and privacy settings. It’s essential to use these features responsibly and in accordance with your comfort level and the specific circumstances you encounter on the platform.

Prashant Sharma: <a title="About" href="http://www.techpluto.com/about-us/">Prashant Sharma</a> is a Delhi based Entrepreneur who spent most of his college days polishing his marketing skills and went for his first business venture at 19. Having tasted failure in his entrepreneurial debut, he turned a Tech-enthusiast, specializing in web technologies later. Join him on <a href="https://plus.google.com/110037121732872055442/?rel=author">Google Plus</a>