How To Fix 'Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working' Error In Windows 7

If Windows Explorer is not working properly then learn here how to fix ‘Windows Explorer has stopped working’ error in Windows 7.

The users of Windows 7 often find the error “Windows explorer has stopped working”. This can happen at any point in time. It may work for some time and in the midst of a game or when you surf online, you can very well find that the error appearing on the screen. In the OS like XP, Vista and Windows 7 this error is common and the users have to stop doing everything when this error appears on the screen. You can find here the instructions in simple steps for how to fix this error.

Why does the Windows Explorer stop Working?

When the security updates are not frequently installed as and when Microsoft releases them, then there are chances for the explorer stopping. When the device drivers are outdated and when the video drivers are corrupted one can expect the Windows Explorer to stop working abruptly. This can also happen because the updates are not installed and there is no antivirus which makes the virus and malware corrupting the system.

How to Fix this Issue?

You need to start with scanning the system and you need to use a good antivirus and malware for the same. This starts finding the problem and resolves it. This also helps to keep the system safe from any attacks in the future.

When you see that scanning the system does not work, you can always find this alternative working for you. System File Checker, SFC in short, is a tool offered by Microsoft, and this tool is available for Windows and the errors can be fixed when the corrupted files are involved. To run this, you need to insert the CD or DVD of SFC and this can be executed from the command prompt of MS Dos only. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Open a command prompt and run it as an administrator. You can find this when you enter the term CMD in the search, and when you have found it select the option, Run as administrator.

  • You can find the prompts guiding you, and if asked for the admin password, enter it.

  • Then type the command sfc/scannow and the scanning starts.

  • The insert disk option is displayed, on seeing this enter the disk.

Install the Latest Windows Update

You need to update the latest update from Windows for the device drivers. When the process is on, the update from the drivers and other security updates are automatically updated. You need to connect a computer to the internet, which lets you turn on the latest updates for your computer. When the system is connected to the internet, the updates are installed automatically. You can be sure that most of the issues with your computer can be fixed this way, and even it secures your computer from the potential threats.

Check the RAM

When you find all the above steps are done and still windows explorer has stopped working Windows 7, then you can see that your PC RAM memory should be checked. You need to check the memory modules for the problems, and for this you have to go to the control panel. You can find the option Windows memory diagnostics, and also what the issue is here that can be fixed immediately.

Stop UAC

All Windows Vista users should try this. When the UAC is enabled, the problem of the Windows Explorer stop working can be resolved.

Check for Firefox Add-Ons

If you have enabled add-ons in your Firefox, then this can lead to the explorer getting crashed in the mid of a task, and you need to disable it immediately.

TechPluto Staff:
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