Here are the top trending news from the world of technology…..
Facebook says ‘Sorry’ for its AI’s racist behavior

Facebook has tendered an official apology for its AI software’s erroneous judgment in labelling the video about black man as ‘primates.’ The controversy was sparked after the video showing a ‘black man’ was shared on online news portal Daily Mail. Facebook’s AI software kept prompting whether they would like to see videos on primates and monkeys when the video had no correlation with monkeys or apes. Facebook has now removed the controversial video and ordered an investigation.
WhatsApp users can now switch chat history from IOS to Android Phone

WhatsApp has finally rolled out a feature that will allow users to switch their entire chat history from IOS to Android phone. Such a feature has long been requested by scores of WhatsApp users and WhatsApp has been testing such a feature on a beta level for quite some time now. However, this newly rolled out feature will currently only be available on Samsung phone with Android 10 or higher version. The rumors are rife that the instant messaging giant may make this feature available to more android phones in the coming months. Notably, WhatsApp has still not find ways to transfer the chat history from Android to IOS.
GoDaddy terminates hosting services of anti-abortion website

GoDaddy has said that it has terminated the hosting services of a Texas based website that acted as a whistleblower platform against people helping in abortion cases. This website apparently popped up after Texas recently passed a tough anti-abortion law that makes it illegal for people to help women get aborted after six months of pregnancy. This whistle blowing website promised to ensure that this new law is implemented in full spirit…To know more click here.
Elon Musk Refuses to Comment on Texas’ Controversial ‘Abortion Law’

The rather outspoken and outlandish Musk has rather maintained a conspicuous salience on the Texas’ latest controversial abortion law. This is despite the fact that Texas Governor Greg Abbott openly claiming that SpaceX and Tesla CEO has lent his support to the law. Musk’s silence apparently augurs well for his business as his companies have made huge investments in the state of Texas.
Apple Delays its Child Protection Features after privacy outcry

Apple has postponed its child protection features following a global outcry that such a feature will lead to privacy abuse. Apple said that it will take few more months to roll out the feature and will use this period to address the privacy concerns raised by the privacy advocates.